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Leon Kennedy

Hail, And Well Met!

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Good [insert the appropriate time of day here]! As you can all see by my join date, I'm new here. Being as such, I figured I'd say hello, and give a little bit of information about me.


I'm quite familiar with programming due to having gone to college for that. I'm also familiar with game creation as I've spent a great deal of time using FPS Creator, and playing around with a few other enginges (3dGameStudio, Silent Walk to name a couple). For the most part, however, none of those engines was what I needed it to be. FPSC is first-person, which I don't like, 3dGS is too bulky and overly-complicated, and SW just, well, sucks. :)


I found RMVX by doing multiple google searches, and after reading up on this I knew that this was the engine I was supposed to use. So here I am, trying to use it and develop at least 1 game. And after firing it up, I am well on my way. I've got one "game" that I'm creating as my way of testing and playing with the engine, and 1 serious idea that I'll get to once I get more familiar with the engine.


Again, hello to all. ;)

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I don't know why, but for some odd reason you seem familiar...are there any other forums you go to?...Anyways...welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it here.

Lemme go ahead and post this important image too.


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Joey, I'm active on a host of other forums. And I always go by Leon Kennedy, with one exception. The other forusm I'm on are:


Palladium Megaverse (most notably Dead Reign, where I have my story "A Survivor's Journal")

GTA4.TV (where I'm known as Marilyn.Manson)

Scarecrow's Field (I have 39 of 53 puzzles solved)


FPSCreator Forums (although I'm less active now than I was)


Is it from one of these sites that you have seen me before?

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Welcome to RMXPU, glad you found us :D.


I agree with Joey, your name does sound familiar.

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Crap... another Leon... xD j/k. ALthough vx is a nice engine, i recommend XP. greater graphics, imo, as well as better mapping setup. Only thing vx bests it in is the framerate. How i long for that framerate...

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Welcome Leon Kennedy. I agree with the others, the username does sound familiar. I've browsed rpgmakervx.net I bit so perhaps that's it.


I used to use 3dGame Studio. I started quite a few years ago but never really developed anything past a single leveled 1st person shooter. My brother is good at 3d modeling so he and I were going to make a game in it, but it never happened. There are template scripts but I think to make something unique or not a 1st person shooter you need to know some C-script, I don't think I've got the patience to learn. Though have you tried C-lite in the new version? It's supposed to be really simple to use.


Admittedly I've done very little in RMVX, but I'm sure this community will be able to assist you if you need help with something.

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Welcome Leon #2 lol jk IF you need anything Help is my middle name well..... actually Ray but if you need anything just ask. I also make windowskins if you interested.

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