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[XP] Incompatibility between CCOA's UMS and Chrono Trigger CMS


ok, so, I'm trying to use CCOA's UMS http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....amp;showfile=63 for my game. Originally, I was using Diego's CMS, but it came to a point where there were just too many compatibility problems with that and other scripts. In the end, I decided to change menu scripts. The only CMS I could find on the site here was the Chrono Trigger CMS http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index....amp;showfile=74 and I really like it, but I get a weird error with it. It only happens when I have the UMS script in it.




That's the error. When I check, that line and the lines around it, they are:

 def update_cursor_rect
if @index >= 0
  n = $game_temp.choice_start + @index
  self.cursor_rect.set(8, n * 32, @cursor_width, 32) #This is the error line


I marked the error line above. So, when I couldn't figure out the problem, I deleted that portion of script, and guess what happens? All of the text windows become Window_Selectable. It doesn't happen with just the UMS, and doesn't happen with just the CMS. It only happens with both in the game. I also tried making a new project with just those scripts, but they just don't work. So, I figured I'd ask for help and see if anyone could pinpoint the problem.

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