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I have an idea, but we all must band together for it!

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Well, I'm all for Leon being our ignoble leader. I, however, will stay just abit behind and to the side. An old BGII maxim: "He who leads triggers traps". (Another was "Save Early, Save Often," and the last was "Never trust a man in skin-tight brown pants.")


As for the story, patience my young padawan learners. We will get it to you when it is done.


Good stories take time to thicken, not unlike a pickled turnip and beet-root stew which has been let to set on a windowsill for two weeks, just how my dear old grandmum would do. Thicken that is. The stew, not my dear grandmum. Not, of course, that my dear grandmum didn't tend to thicken as she got older of course. Sort of like that stew...

Jarandy Tinkertank

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hmm...well, let's see...if we want us as the NPCs that will be cool. I can program us to be like...sidequest people and such...so, I guess the question now is:

What do you want your character to look like in game?
This will give our artists a job to do in spriting at least.

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Well I sure would love my character to kind of resemble me but IDK. I've never seen a sprite that would resemble me lol. Baggy pants or baggy shorts over sized shirt you know the ghetto look everyone hates on lol. And a cap on but oh well. If someone can manage to pull that off go for it. :D

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How about everyone pick out/edit their own sprite? Just do your best, and if you need some help after trying, let me know. My RmXP computer is down for the count for atleast another week.

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ok...well...if we are supplying our own sprites, then here is mine: Note - Please do nto use this sprite in anything else then this...It was made by a close friend for my game only...


Or, if anyone can make a character set for it, I'd rather have this:


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I like that one. Well I'ma set off to find one for me now if I can lol.

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Hey, I have come up with new skill/equipment system taht can work in conjunction with the weapon creation script. It is top secret for now, but all I will tell you is it is called the STaR system.


Also, whoever is controlling the databse, we need to establish that person. If everyone would like, i can take care of Skill/Item/Weapon/Armor databases. My scripts that i plan on using for this game involve those four.


Now, for skills, I need someone to make the animation and skill setup, I just need the list. Also, as for Armor, if someone can set it up, that would be a bonus, That one i need the list too.

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How are we sitting story-wise? Do we atleast have an opening for it? This way, we can get started. Also, do I have any volunteers on Armor, weapon and item lists? If so, I would like to speak to you... lol.


Further, once I am finished with my current scripting project, we will need to vote between the two. This will also decide how armor, weapons, and items are configured.

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It's just as well. We still have to decide on features, and i need to finish this script before we can do that.

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Cogwheel's RTAB System

Artwork Collection System

Sound Test System

Battle Arena System

Zeriab's Gamos System


That's about all I can think of right now...

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battle systems i HATE messing with, but I may be able to put together one. The hardest part with those is compatibility. As for an art gallery, taht could be a new challenge. Sound test I have done over and again; my options menu. Battle Arena has been on my to-do list for a while. Gamos system? Is that the snake-like game?

  • Further other feature options include:
  • Leveling Monsters (Unreleased still...)
  • Good/Evil Script
  • Mission Lists
  • Option Menu
  • HUD
  • Weapon Skills (Like 5% chance of doing the spell 'Ice' if the icebrand is equiped)
  • Weapon +Hit%
  • Weapon +crit%
  • Character Generator
  • Fatigue Script
  • STaR System
  • Dube's AMS *

*Not made by me.

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Actually... most of that list that I posted is done. Only 1 script needs to be rewritten, and another is in the process of being completed (1/2 done.)


The others look minor in difficulty at best. biggest challenge is getting them all working toghete.r

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If you can, can you do the artwork collection? alias the initialize method of Game_Party and add an array, then the rest is just a scene with the artowrk in it, the artwork being in the array. Reason you want it in Game_Party is so we can either make the person find them, or provide the list manually. Make sense?

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Project Leader: Leon (Unless someone else wants to run against me in the polls...)


I will and smoke you as well; just kidding. I like this idea. Hope you finish it.

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Yea even a lil' bit of the story would help right now so we could maybe start a intro or help with what kind of features and stuff.

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Well, Demondaze hasn't sent me any form of reply. I don't know what happened to him. I could give you a quick summary of the story, but it won't be as good without both of us working on it instead of just me.

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Please excuse my lack of co-operation. I'm having hard-core cpu problems.


I had a good bit of the story done, but I am a habitual late-saver, and when my computer crashed I lost most of it. Since then I've been fighting with the internet, my editor, and restoring my PC to optimum capacity.


In short, It's been a hellish weekend for all those involved.


That would be... me. I'll get the intro up by tommorrow. Sorry again.

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It's cool man I'm sure everyone here knows all about CPU problems I know I do. :(

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battle systems i HATE messing with, but I may be able to put together one. The hardest part with those is compatibility. As for an art gallery, taht could be a new challenge. Sound test I have done over and again; my options menu. Battle Arena has been on my to-do list for a while. Gamos system? Is that the snake-like game?

no, it's the rock pushing one. You can find it here Gamos...as for art galleries, sound tests, and all the other features I mentioned. If you don't want to do them, have no fear, I have 100% of the scripts I mentioned above. So, just let me know and I can pass them on to your or what not...gotta think of how to set up a demo with them first, though...some of e the scripts are complicated to run...so I gotta remember all the codes and then put them in events before I could send to you.

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Alright, I already have a good opening Demondaze. Sorry to hear about the computer trouble. I'll take a look at yours tomorrow and decide on what we'll do. Maybe combine the two, favor one over the other or something. I don't know.

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