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Formlesstree4's Unofficial Jeopardy Engine!

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You read that topic right man! I'm making a freaking Jeopardy Engine! This thing is gonna be so awesome, you're gonna feel like you're actually playing Jeopardy!!!


Or not, but the thrill is still there, right....?

Well if you haven't hit back already, cool. I'm not kidding actually, I'm really releasing a program that simulates Jeopardy using a few forms. The program itself will draw questions and the answers from several XML files.


So far, I've been developing the Engine (if you can really call it an engine) for about...2 days from this post date. So far, the program itself is laid out and 'can' receive data. I'm still debugging it, but I may have a small beta working by the end of next week. It depends on how much I get done.


Good news about it is: I will be releasing the source code of the engine. Just no crazy builds going on, it's so you guys can see how I did some things. The source code may be commented heavily, it may not be. It just depends on how much time I have and if I'm not feeling lazy.

Either way, just letting you guys know about it, and this really isn't an Engine, more of a plug and play style game..but could still provide amusement. :)



Thank you for reading...now for some pictures!

Main Form



Data Editor


That's all for now, check back for more information.

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You can, and it's been done before a lot. But it can be a pain to edit and manage it. I've already had people say: "Can I just do it in powerpoint..??". Yes you can, but this is a different way to do it, that's more powerful and easily manipulated. Plus it doesn't take as long to make as a regular PowerPoint Jeopardy.


Anyway, the first version is now available. It only has $200 and $400 dollar questions working.


Here's the Source: http://www.mediafire.com/?ygnmjzimmgy

Here's the Compiled: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmgnzilgmmt


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You could with PowerPoint, I did once, but it's not that much fun, and what if you try it on a computer that either doesn't have PowerPoint to run it, or hates to run PowerPoint? (I know of a laptop that hates to run Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, those programs). Besides, this way is more fun :)

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Hey don't forget to put regis sfx in there

or whoever the guy is who did jeapoardy

I think it was regis but im probably wrong.

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It's Alex Trebek, and I don't think so :P

You cant... YOU Can't Do that!!!

This is blasphemy.....THIS IS MADNESS!!!!

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