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Scripts for thievery actions

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Hello everyone, I'm not sure I ever introduced myself here and I'm too sleepy already for that, but anyway I come with one big request for a 1st (?) post. :rolleyes:


First of all, I don't want to go eventing all this stuff cuz that would delay the release date of my (epic) game to another 40 years on top of the (epic) 40 years I already scheduled (2090 ;) ) Scripting makes everything so much (epicly) easier and much more versatile.

Also, please don't tell me to go learn RGSS. If you don't want to fulfil my wish, then just don't. This is all too advanced for me and I would have the game delayed for more 40 years (2130) if I'd go learn all this stuff before making it.



Now, what I "need" is self explained in the title, but it needs further evolving. If I could have all this perfectly how I thought about it, basically it would be this:


Lockpicking - a minigame of it, where failure could cost a a lockpick.


Pickpocketing - where to steal 10-500 gold or an item (seldomly). Gold min-max limits would be adjustable to each group of NPCs (rich, poor, etc). This should only work when in stealth mode and with non-hostile NPCs, unless the stealth script would stop enemies from attacking while in stealth mode.


Stealth - this is pretty much what I beg for due to limitations of RMXP. Hide in shadows and walk silently both can be simulated by that. A stealth bar (affected by stealth skill) and a key to toggle on/off on each pressing, would perfect it.


Now, onto what I have:


XAS (Xiderowg Action System). This is why I'd need compatibility with it. Which mustn't be very hard since all the scripts I tried so far seemed to be compatible with this one.


For lockpicking I found a lockpicking minigame. It's all made of events, which may become painstaking if I will make fully robbable cities and villages, but I'll give it a try while I have nothing better.

If anyone knows a more straightforward way or a simpler way to replicate it, or even a script, please tell me.


For pickpocketing, I have nothing... yet. But I won't even comit the crazyness of eventing it in each and every one, of a million NPCs... ( I like crowded cities, so you can imagine...)


For stealth I have two scripts. But one isn't working and the other isn't quite what I wanted.

Aeroflux Stealth Script is a nice thing, but it's incomplete (not even working) and I think it counts on the original battle system. I'm not sure, but I like it's idea.

Enemy Detection System - by Gubid is a very nice detection script, but I can't be in stealth with that.

If any advanced scripter would be so kind as to see if they can be mixed and if so, mix them, I'd be most grateful.


If... IF anyone think it's possible.... nah forget it... cough backstab cough cough... ahem... nah just leave it... :D



I apreciate any and every help anyone can give me on this... probly I won't make anything close to a... ahem... epic game.. ahem, but I like the ideas I've been having so much that I'm willing to work harder on this one. ;)


Thx in advance.

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40 years?!

Cmon now be a little bit more ambitious with your release date, I mean in 40 years rgpmaker xp will be all but obsolete


I uploaded a lock picking event system thats really simple, if a little buggy but it serves its purpose well

all you have to do is copy and paste, and set the difficulty of the lock by changing a variable, if it was a script u would have to do the same thing with every locked event. The differences is that events are compatible with everything, and they won't mess up your game as easily as a script can

Because I started off with rm 2k3 I have huge experince with eventing, eventing is basically just a limited and less dangerous form of scripting. Sure it has a smaller range of control, but learning how to event is neccessary for any rmxp/vx game mainly because events RUN the in game scenarios. Scripts run the systems and background process. I mean you can't have an rm game with just scripts and no events. So for something like lock picking eventing is no problem. Your other things might be hard to get.

Look for the lock pickevent by me in the resources event systems

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