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[XP]How do you to make your own tileset?


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If you find a tileset online that is too small, make sure you are taking the actual tileset, not the thumbnail.


Also, for combining tilesets, it's actually pretty easy and it can be even done by something as simple as Paint. Open the two tilesets you want to combine and measure the HEIGHT of both. Then, add them using a calculator. Change the height of one of the two to the product you have. You will have then extra blank space that is just suitable for the second one. Copy it and paste it in that blank space and there ya go. =D

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If you find a tileset online that is too small, make sure you are taking the actual tileset, not the thumbnail.


Also, for combining tilesets, it's actually pretty easy and it can be even done by something as simple as Paint. Open the two tilesets you want to combine and measure the HEIGHT of both. Then, add them using a calculator. Change the height of one of the two to the product you have. You will have then extra blank space that is just suitable for the second one. Copy it and paste it in that blank space and there ya go. =D



Well you also have to remember to make sure that the transparency color is the same for both tile-sets because they are becoming one. This color is generally 255,0,255 which is that bright magenta color in the bottom left corner of MSPaint's default color's, but if the default color IS different then that means that the magenta color as already be used so you will have to use another color.



You should download the two master tilesets I made and put them in the graphics folder of your game and copy the Tileset Data file and put it in your game's data folder.


This way you won't have to make the tilesets (which is easy but can take a long time) and you won't have to set all of the passage settings. Some of them are a little off but they are easy to fix.

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Well you also have to remember to make sure that the transparency color is the same for both tile-sets because they are becoming one. This color is generally 255,0,255 which is that bright magenta color in the bottom left corner of MSPaint's default color's, but if the default color IS different then that means that the magenta color as already be used so you will have to use another color.



You should download the two master tilesets I made and put them in the graphics folder of your game and copy the Tileset Data file and put it in your game's data folder.


This way you won't have to make the tilesets (which is easy but can take a long time) and you won't have to set all of the passage settings. Some of them are a little off but they are easy to fix.

Where can I find these "master" tilesets? got a link?

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