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Select Stage Script

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I'm working on a rpg game which will be similar to the old Megaman games and I could need a little script for it.


I want a script, which I can call as an event in order for the player to choose a stage, just like in the Megaman games.


There will be 3 sections of stage selections, first the player can choose between 8 stages, then there will be 4 stages, and lastly it will be just 1 stage.


For each stage, when viewing the stage, there should be a face-image of the boss of the stage, the name of the boss, the name of the stage, a small image of the stage and lastly a short description of the stage.


The player can then choose a stage and be transported to that stage, when the stage is finnished, that stage should be darker (like a switch activated to make it darker) but it should still be acceptable so players can return to a previous stage to gather stuff (bosses should be gone thought).


Here's a little image I made in photoshop, so it's easier to understand what I seek: (I just did something quick, you can do so it look better if you want, but remeber that tha window only appear when the player choose one of the characters, he can then cancel by pressing the ESC button to close the window or press ENTER to confirm the stage)


Image Link



Anyone up for the challenge? Credits will of course be given and also my appreciation =)



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I greatly appreciates this, thanks a lot =)

And take all the time you need, I appreciates you want to give it a try.


Here's all info you need for it:


I start with the first 8 stages:



Name: Eiko

Stage: Mitana Desert

Battler: http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/3849/eiko.png



Name: Florest

Stage: Hondora Forest

Battler: http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/8332/forestgeneralflorest.png



Name: MoonHag

Stage: Lost Space

Battler: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/8273/spacegeneralmoonhag.png



Name: Phoenix

Stage: Volcanic Cave

Battler: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/8501/firegeneralphoenix.png



Name: Razor

Stage: Tower of Ignitia

Battler: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/695/windgeneralrazor.png



Name: Rivers

Stage: RiverSide Beach

Battler: http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/4711/watergeneralrivers.png



Name: Sapphire

Stage: Frosty Cavern

Battler: http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/6370/icegeneralsapphire.png



Name: Shadow

Stage: Castle of Shadows

Battler: http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/732/shadowgeneralshadow.png



Then, the other 4 stages that will appear after those 8 stages have been completed (the old stages should still be visible so the player can revisit those places)




Name: Grim Reaper

Stage: Castle of Despair

Battler: http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/1474/grimreaper.png



Name: RazorBlade

Stage: Desert of Lost Souls

Battler: http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/7003/3rdguardianrazorblade.png



Name: TombStone

Stage: Tomb of Damaska

Battler: http://img223.imageshack.us/img223/3113/1stguardiantombstone.png



Name: Warlord

Stage: Cave of Flames

Battler: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/9347/2ndguardianwarlord.png



And lastly, the final stage:



Name: The Master

Stage: The Master's Castle

Battler: http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/2453/themasteri.png



I can add the description myself, just tell me where I can write it when your done =)

If you need anything else, just let me know.



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The whole system is going to be image based. No text involved except what text is on the images to make it easier.

But i will try to make it as user friendly as i can.

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Alright, I've made a gamedisc for ya and uploaded it on MegaUpload.

I had to erase a lot of graphic and music which currently isn't used in the version I sent, to make the file smaller.


So you get the chance to test plast what I got so far XD

I still don't have the correct battler for Ziro nor the title screen, so there's still a lot of work to do. I will also improve the mapping.


Anyway, here's the download link: [Link Removed]




Thanks a lot for your help =)

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Here is what the stage selections are going to look like.


The white background is transparent so your map will be shown

The right area is going to be blank for you to add the information.

As you see there is a black stroke for when the stage is selected.


Let me know if anything needs to be changed so far.

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Looks very good indeed, amazing job =)

In the black space to the right, is it possible to add the battlebackground of the stage for the boss? I posted the backgrounds with the other information.

So the player knows what kind of stage it is.


And how will it look when the other 4 stages appears? The other 4 stages will appear after those eight are completed, but those stages should still be visible for revisiting.


But so far I like how it look, thanks a lot for all your help. I love it ^______^

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Hehe, this looks quite cool.



  • Also, Ravenclaw, you might wanna delete your game link from your post so no one steals it.

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I might as well add that this script is no longer necessary. Thanks a lot Polraudio for trying, I really appreciate it.


I will try and make this work with simple events, I already have an idea on how to work this through.


Just wanted you to know =)

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