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Hi guys


I'm giving you a fake loading bar, this script displays a fake loading bar before screen title.

Credits go to arevulopapo, for the script, and me, for posting XD


Here take a look:

http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/8480/loadingbarwithtittlescr.png (pic1)

http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/4875/loadingbarwithbackgroun.png ( pic2)

http://img514.imageshack.us/img514/505/loadingbarwithoutbackgr.png (pic3)



Basicly it's all in the script, but here's a summary;


First: Put this script above the "main", then, go in the script "main" and change: "$scene = Scene_Title.new" by "$scene = Scene_Loading_Bar.new"


Then its the settings, i'm just going to tell you how to change the background, the rest you can do it by your selves;

Go to line 57 where it's "Background = 1" - if you let it that way, this will make your loading bar background appear just like pic1

- If you want it like pic2, you have to select your picture (you want to put in your background) and put it in ( "Graphics / Pictures" ), and you have to change your pic name to "splash", without the quotation marks. The picture can be of any extension

- And last if you want it to be like pic3, all you have to do is, copy this pic i've made to ( "Graphics / Pictures" ) and call it "back", without the quotation marks

here's the pic: http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/5720/back.png


Demo: http://www.2shared.com/file/8305672/c8f7885/Project36.html


Here's the script, enjoy:




# Ultimate Fake Loading Bar

# By arevulopapo

# May 11 2007


# This script displays a fake loading screen before the title.



# Setup:

# Put this script above the "main", go in the script "main" and change:

# $scene = Scene_Title.new

# by

# $scene = Scene_Loading_Bar.new


# Settings:


#LOADING_SPEED controls the speed of loading.


#BAR_FILL_TYPE select what will fill the bar.


# 1 - Use only one color to fill the bar.

# 2 - Transition of color that occurs throughout the bar.

# 3 - color transition smaller.

# 4 - an image ( "Graphics / Pictures / bar" any extension) used to fill the bar.


#BAR_FRAME_TYPE select the type of frame (outline):


# 1 - initial frame

# 2 - a picture ( "Graphics / Pictures / frame", any extension) which will be shown

# 3 - no frame


#BAR_BACK_TYPE select the background (bottom) bar:


# 1 - nothing

# 2 - a picture ( "Graphics / Pictures / back", any extension) which will be shown


#FILE_LISTING (true / false) true = shows that files are being loaded, false = do not show.


#BEEP (true / false) will play (or not) a sound ( "Audio / SE / beep, any extension)

#when the end of the loading


#BACKGROUND selects the bottom of the screen:


# 1 - the title screen

# 2 - a picture ( "Graphics / Pictures / splash", any extension)

# 3 - no background (black background)



# Any image used to create bars / frames must 544x32 in size.







BEEP = false


COLOR_1 = Color.new(255,64,64,255)

COLOR_2 = Color.new(128,255,64,255)

COLOR_3 = Color.new(16,16,16,255)




# Window


class Window_Loading_Bar < Window_Base


attr_reader :finish_flag


def initialize()

super(0, 384, 640, 64)

self.contents = Bitmap.new(608, 32)

self.contents.font.size = 16

self.windowskin = nil

@finish_flag = false

@bar_fill = 0

@file = 0

@flags = [0,0,0]





def refresh


step = rand(@speed)

unless (@bar_fill + step) > 544

@bar_fill += step


@finish_flag = true



# Draw background bar



when 1

self.contents.fill_rect(32, 0, 544, 32, COLOR_3)

when 2

self.contents.blt(32, 0, RPG::Cache.picture('back.png'), Rect.new(0,0,544,32))



# Draw main bar



when 1

self.contents.fill_rect(32, 0, @bar_fill, 32, COLOR_1)

when 2

r = COLOR_1.red + (COLOR_2.red - COLOR_1.red)*@bar_fill/544

g = COLOR_1.green + (COLOR_2.green - COLOR_1.green)*@bar_fill/544

b = COLOR_1.blue + (COLOR_2.blue - COLOR_1.blue)*@bar_fill/544

a = COLOR_1.alpha + (COLOR_2.alpha - COLOR_1.alpha)*@bar_fill/544

self.contents.fill_rect(32, 0, @bar_fill, 32, Color.new(r,g,b,a))

when 3

for i in 0..@bar_fill - 1

r = COLOR_1.red + (COLOR_2.red - COLOR_1.red)*i/544

g = COLOR_1.green + (COLOR_2.green - COLOR_1.green)*i/544

b = COLOR_1.blue + (COLOR_2.blue - COLOR_1.blue)*i/544

a = COLOR_1.alpha + (COLOR_2.alpha - COLOR_1.alpha)*i/544

self.contents.fill_rect(32+i, 0, 1, 32, Color.new(r,g,b,a))


when 4

self.contents.blt(32, 0, RPG::Cache.picture('bar.png'), Rect.new(0,0,@bar_fill,32))



# Draw surrounding rectangle



when 1

self.contents.fill_rect(32, 0, 544, 5, Color.new(64,64,64))

self.contents.fill_rect(32, 0, 5, 32, Color.new(64,64,64))

self.contents.fill_rect(571, 0, 5, 32, Color.new(64,64,64))

self.contents.fill_rect(32, 27, 544, 5, Color.new(64,64,64))

self.contents.fill_rect(33, 1, 542, 3, Color.new(128,128,128))

self.contents.fill_rect(33, 28, 542, 3, Color.new(128,128,128))

self.contents.fill_rect(33, 1, 3, 30, Color.new(128,128,128))

self.contents.fill_rect(572, 1, 3, 30, Color.new(128,128,128))

self.contents.fill_rect(34, 2, 540, 1, Color.new(192,192,192))

self.contents.fill_rect(34, 29, 540, 1, Color.new(192,192,192))

self.contents.fill_rect(573, 2, 1, 28, Color.new(192,192,192))

self.contents.fill_rect(34, 2, 1, 28, Color.new(192,192,192))

when 2

self.contents.blt(32, 0, RPG::Cache.picture('frame.png'), Rect.new(0,0,544,32))



# Make array of filenames


files_root = Dir.entries(".")

files_data = (files_root.include?("Data") ? Dir.entries("Data")+Dir.entries(".") : [])

files_graphics = (files_root.include?("Graphics") ? Dir.entries("Graphics")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Animations")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Autotiles")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Battlebacks")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Battlers")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Characters")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Fogs")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Gameovers")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Icons")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Panoramas")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Pictures")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Tilesets")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Titles")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Transitions")+Dir.entries("Graphics/Windowskins") : [])

files_audio = (files_root.include?("Audio") ? Dir.entries("Audio")+Dir.entries("Audio/BGM")+Dir.entries("Audio/BGS")+Dir.entries("Audio/SE")+Dir.entries("Audio/ME") : [])

if @flags[0] == 0

if @file < files_data.size

text = "Data/" + files_data[@file]


@flags[0] = 1

@file = 0



elsif @flags[1] == 0

if @file < files_graphics.size

text = "Graphics/" + files_graphics[@file]


@flags[1] = 1

@file = 0



elsif @flags[2] == 0

if @file < files_audio.size

text = "Audio/" + files_audio[@file]


@flags[2] = 1

@file = 0




text = "RGSS102E.DLL"

@speed += 1



# Draw the filenames loaded


self.contents.draw_text(192,0,608,32,"Loading file: " + text,0) if FILE_LISTING

@file += 1






# Scene


class Scene_Loading_Bar


def main

$data_system = load_data("Data/System.rxdata")

$game_system = Game_System.new

@sprite = Sprite.new


when 1

bitmap = RPG::Cache.title($data_system.title_name)

when 2

bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("splash")

when 3

bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture("")


@sprite.bitmap = bitmap

@loading_bar = Window_Loading_Bar.new


loop do



if @loading_bar.finish_flag == true

$scene = Scene_Title.new

Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/System01", 100, 100) if BEEP


if $scene != self













if you have any question, just ask ;)



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A loading bar? Never seen one before (for XP/VX, I've seen them in many games before :P) I might be able to use this for one game of mine. This has a certain "theme" that's the same as it. Thanks for sharing :)

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This is a pretty useful script, although, I noticed one slight problem which is an easy fix...the default value for BAR_BACK_TYPE is 2, which gives an error if you don't have a background for the bar. Other than that, it's a good script. Thanks. :) I've given you Rep

Edited by ShinyToyGuns

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Thanks for letting me know that,

I'm going to edit my post and put "BAR_BACK_TYPE is 1"



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(Please make the same changes I mentioned in the minimap script topic. Polraudio please move this out of requests.)


Thanks for posting this miguel. It is quite a cool script.

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As I said earlier, there is something wrong with the code [ code ] command as it does this:


# Ultimate Fake Loading Bar # By arevulopapo # May 11 2007


Copies it all to a single line. The 3 things above are just the first three lines after I tried copying them. Would you be able to post a download link (preferably on 2shared.com) of a rmxp project with this script in it? That would be great.


Thanks in advance ;)



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As I said earlier, there is something wrong with the code [ code ] command as it does this:


# Ultimate Fake Loading Bar # By arevulopapo # May 11 2007


Copies it all to a single line. The 3 things above are just the first three lines after I tried copying them. Would you be able to post a download link (preferably on 2shared.com) of a rmxp project with this script in it? That would be great.


Thanks in advance ;)





Ok I've put a demo here it is: http://www.2shared.com/file/8305672/c8f7885/Project36.html

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As I said earlier, there is something wrong with the code [ code ] command as it does this:


# Ultimate Fake Loading Bar # By arevulopapo # May 11 2007


Copies it all to a single line. The 3 things above are just the first three lines after I tried copying them. Would you be able to post a download link (preferably on 2shared.com) of a rmxp project with this script in it? That would be great.


Thanks in advance ;)




Did you try deleting those comments and entering them in manually?

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*Note* every time you necropost, a baby turns into a time bomb, killing all within range. DON'T NECROPOST AND SAVE SOME LIVES!

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Unless you give us the error, that is displayed on the script and post it on the site, via writing it or making a screenshot, we can't really help you as we don't know where the problem is ourselves.

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1. The instructions state to change the picture file to be named "splash," not the background variable in the script. Did you set Background = splash or did you actually set the picture file's name to be splash?


2. Normally, I am not a stickler for necroposting, but this topic has already been necro'd before. Please check the dates of the topic before posting (the OP is like 2 years old) If you really need help, you should probably start a new topic requesting help.

more info: http://www.rmxpunlim...es#necroposting


3. Gamers (well I know I do) HATE loading screens/times...even when they are necessary in large 3d games. Why would you want to make your players sit through a fake loading screen...that doesn't even load anything or do anything other than make the player wait? I don't mean to be so harsh, but isn't that a little sadistic, making your players sit through pointless loading screens? (Just trying to help, really)


EDIT: Oh yea,


4. What Bigace said.

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