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April Mapping contest

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Ok, so, I figured as it is already about halfway into the month, it is a little late to make a contest for this month. Reason I think that is...not enough time to vote on the map type, then make the map, then vote on which map wins. So, here's how it will work. Please vote in the poll above for which map type you want for the mapping contest. One with the most votes will be the one started in March. Poll will close February 25, 2007 at 12:00 midnight EST. The contest will then begin at that time, and all maps must be turned in by April 18, 2007 by 12:00 midnight EST. A poll will then be posted and people may vote for which map they like best. One with the most votes wins.


Text in red signify what was edited on the last update date. Previous updates are listed below:

February 25, 2007, 12:00AM - Rule 7 AKA "Tileset Rule" added. Let the contest begin!

February 17, 2007, 4:28PM - Rule 3 and Rule 6

February 17, 2007, 12:17AM - Rule 3



1. Do not vote for yourself just because you made the map! Look over the other maps and decide if you REALLY like yours the best.

2. All entries must be in before April 18, 2007 at 12:00 midnight EST. There has been some controversy over this in other contests. Put it plain and simple, if it is March 18, then you are too late.

3. You may use events to create design interactivity, such as butterflies, birds, and so forth. You may use them to add fogs, panoramas, light, darkness, and so forth, but otherwise, your event must not do anything, except move around and so forth. No event commands other then "Change screen tone color" "Erase Event" "Change Map settings" "Change Fog Color Tone" "Change fog opacity" and "Set Weather Effects" may be used, and they may only be used in the event that starts when the map starts up (i.e. you can add rain at the beginning, but you may not have any other events that turn off the rain).

4. You are allowed 1 map, with no transfer events or anything.

5. Your submission must be in an unencrypted demo form.

6. Your map may be no bigger then 100x100

7. As of February 25, 2007, at 12:00 AM EST, the map set has been decided. In accordance to the votes, all maps made for this contest must be made using the "ruins" tileset. Remember, all entries due by March 18, 2007 at 12:00 AM EST.


Aside from those, I don't think we need any other rules...So, get out there and have fun making maps :D

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Well, you can...but like I said, don't vote on yourself JUST because it is you. If you REALLY think yours is the best, then you can, but you MUST look over all the maps before you can vote on any, thus you'd have to find out which you like best...I mean...if you put yours in, but didn't think it really that good, then saw everyone else's and said "wow...mine was a bit better then the others" you'd vote for yourself...but if you thought someone else's was better, you'd vote there. But basically, you aren't allowed to vote on yourself unless you are 100% sure without a doubt yours is the best...and then you have to deal with everyone else's votes so...

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Yea I was thinking about that at work. We shouldn't be able to vote for ourselves but still be able to vote for someone else's map.

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Well, if you REALLY want me to change the rule, I can...but I dunno...I mean...this is how the CA one runs, too...so...

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Naw, don't change it. It will be ight. From what I see everyone on here seems like an honest person. And would really vote how they see fits. Hmm can't wait to see what map we end up using I was stuck deciding between two and someone voted for the one I didn't lol. *Crosses Fingers*

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hehe, well, I voted for the depths...I meant to click the inside organism...but i clicked wrong and didn't notice till I voted -shrugs- oh well...it was a pass up between the two anyway so...

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What happens if we just get one vote on a bunch of them lol. We'll never have a decided map. Another thing who is the 4th person that voted o_0.

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I have no idea who the fourth vote was...I know me, Ark, and you have all voted...if we get 1 on a bunch of them, I will just pick one from the top ones...like, if we get a tie between 2 of them for say 2 votes, I'll pick one out of those two...

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How about I upload one of my unique tilesets that is composed of different tileset pieces, and we use that? This way, it iss mre of a chalelnge.

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Hmm I kind of like that idea because no one has chose the same one yet lol.

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Hmm...that does sound like an interesting idea...we'll wait a little bit...it might be done for next month, but not this month...Also, I'm thinking of changing something, so that, when March starts up, the april poll will go up as well, so that people have a month to vote for which tileset they want...

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yeah, that's true...I might change the current poll, but I dunno...we'll see what's ahead when the deadline hits. Hey, it's always a good learning experience, right? Also, rule 3 (AKA event rule) has been edited because I realized that events can be used as a fourth layer.

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I must disagree with rule 3. a part of mapping IS events that enhance the map. Panoramas, weather effects, sound effects, etc. Without those, every map is 'sunny'. Make sense?

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hmm...that's true...didn't think about that...panoramas are hooked to the tileset, but, yes, I agree... -goes to edit- I'll add in that you can also use events for weather effects, fogs, panoramas, and lighting effects. I just don't want someone putting in a bunch of events with people talking that people vote for because of the words the NPCs are saying...

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er...I don't see any reason why you would need scripts...I mean...the addition of scripts wouldn't affect your grade, as you can't call them or anything so...also, rule 3 updated and rule 6 added.

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All right, if you did allow them, i'd prefer they be self written, and effect only Scene_Map or Game_Map

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? What do you mean? sorry...still trying to get an event rule that works...so, anyone who can give feedback and tell me what's wrong and such is greatly appreciated! Also, 3 days left to vote, ruins is currently in first place

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