MrJolteon 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2009 #============================================================================== # ** Module User_Edit - Permet de modifier le panneau de l'utilisateur #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Auteur MrJolteon # Version 1.0 # Date 03-12-09 # Remerciement Goldenaura3 # Traduction française 90% Samarium #============================================================================== module User_Edit GAME_NAME = "Winter Blast III" GAME_CODE = "PASSWORD" PRINTLINES = false ALLOWBONUSDAM = true VERSION = 1.5 GLOBAL_EVENT = true CLASS_WEAPON = [1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37] # ARMES CLASS_ARMOR1 = [1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # CASQUE CLASS_ARMOR2 = [5,5,5,5,5,5,9,9,5,5] # BOUCLIER CLASS_ARMOR3 = [13,17,13,17,17,17,21,21,13,17] # ARMURES CLASS_ARMOR4 = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # AUTRES PARTY_KEYS = [ "I", # COMANDE 1 [ATTAQUE] "O", # COMANDE 2 [DISTANCE] "P", # COMANDE 3 [sCAPPA] "K", # COMANDE 4 [AIDE] "L", # COMANDE 5 [FEU] 6, # COMANDO 6 [RICHIAMA SCHERMATA PARTY] ] PARTY_ANI = [ 102, # COMANDO 1 [ATTAQUE] 103, # COMANDO 2 [DISTANCE] 104, # COMANDO 3 [sCAPPA] 105, # COMANDO 4 [AIDE] 106, # COMANDO 5 [FEU] 107 # COMANDO 6 [EXP] ] PARTY_COMMANDS = ["Ajouter à au groupe", # Ajouter au groupe "Sortir du groupe", # Quitter le groupe "Chat Privé"] # Discussion entre les membres MESSAGGI = [""] # VISUAL EQUIPMENT: Permet de montrer l''équipement du héros VE = false # Activer Visual Equipment [true/false] ARMA = true # Montrer = true / false SCUDO = true # Montrer = true / false ARMATURA = true # Montrer = true / false ELMO = true # Montrer = true / false ALTRO = true # Montrer = true / false #------------------Configuration de la bande passante------------------------------ # 0 = Très faible => Envoyer seulement les coordonnées et les graphiques (absolument pas recommandé) # 1 = Faible => Invia ^^0^^ e il contaggio dei passi più il nome (Actor) (Sconsigliato) # 2 = Moyen => Invua ^^1^^ e la direzione (Poco Consigliato) # 3 = Elevé => Invua ^^2^^ e velocità (Consigliatissimo) # 4 = Très elevé => Invua ^^3^^ e terreno Bandwith = 3 STARTNETSWITCH = 1000 # Interrupteurs inférieure à cette valeur sont globales STARTNETVAR = 1000 # Variables inférieure à cette valeur sont globales GLOBAL_SELF = ["A", "B"] # Interrupteurs locaux globales #--------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------Affichage mot de passe----------------------- # false = Caché # true = Visible Password_Display = false #--------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------Nom de l'icone de la souris-------------------- MOUSE_ICON = RPG::Cache.icon("001-Weapon01") #--------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------Enregistrement----------------------------- USER_LETTERS = [3,15] PASS_LETTERS = [3,15] REGISTER_BUTTON = "S'enregistrer" LOGIN_BUTTON = "Se connecter" EXIT_BUTTON = "Quitter" RETURN_BUTTON = "Précédent" MOTD_BUTTON = "MOTD" USERNAMETXT = "Pseudonyme :" PASSWORDTXT = "Mot de passe :" VER_ERROR = "Erreur: Version inconnu !" MOD_ERROR = "Erreur: MOTD non valide !" UNEXPECTLOGERR = "Erreur inconnue Connexion" NOTAUTH = "Patientez... Serveur non disponible\nTentative" USERTFAIL = "Utilisateur test a échoué." LOGIN_TITLE = "AUTOMATIQUE" BLINK = true BLINKBUT = true NOMOTD = "Aucun message disponible." #--------------------------------------------------------------- #---------------Connection Scenes------------------------------- # 0 => Utiliser une liste pour afficher les serveurs, besoin SERVEURS # 1 => Connection à l'ordinateur CONNTYPE = 0 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Uniquement si CONNTYPE est de 0, si elle est définie à true, les tests des serveurs : TESTSERVER = true #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Uniquement si CONNTYPE est de 1. # INPUT 0 = IP DEFAULTPORT est utilisé comme port # INPUT 1 = Port et IP #INPUT = 1 # INPTP 0 = Numbres seulement # INPTP 1 = Text seulement # INPTP 2 = Les deux #INPTP = 2 #--------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------Register and Login----------------------------- MAX_USER_LETTERS = 12 #Ne pas dépasser 12 MAX_PASS_LETTERS = 12 #Ne pas dépasser 12 REGISTER_TITLE = " S'enregistrer " REGISTERING_TITLE = " Etat " REGISTER_STATUS = "Patientez" REGISTER_ERROR = "Completez tout les champs." REGISTER_DENIED = "Pseudonyme déjà existant" REGISTERED = "Enregistrement réussi" REGISTER_BUTTON = "S'enregistrer" LOGIN_BUTTON = "Se connecter" EXIT_BUTTON = "Quitter" RETURN_BUTTON = "Précédent" USERNAMETXT = "Pseudonyme:" PASSWORDTXT = "Mot de passe:" MOD_ERROR = "Erreur: MOTD non valide !" UNEXPECTLOGERR = "Erreur Connexion inconnue" NOTAUTH = "Serveur non disponible. Tentative" USERTFAIL = "Utilisateur test a échoué.." LOGIN_TITLE = " Stato Log In " LOGIN_USERERROR = "Pseudonyme ou mot de passe a échoué" LOGIN_PASSERROR = "Pseudonyme ou mot de passe a échoué" LOGIN_STATUS = "Connection au serveur..." LOGIN_STATUS2 = "Authentification Terminé!" LOGIN_FILLERROR = "Erreur de connexion" #---------------Connection-------------------------------------- SERVERON = "En ligne" SERVEROFF = "Hors ligne" SERVERERR = "Erreur" CONNFAILTRY = 3 SERVERREFRESH = 500 # IP # Port # Affichage SERVERS = [ ["localhost" ,50000 , "Serveur Locale"], ["" ,50000 , "Legend 1"], ["" ,50000 , "FBcliqueici], # ["ip" ,port , "Nom à l'écran"], ] #--------------------------------------------------------------- #----------Système chat------------------------------------------ #Avialbe Chat Systems; #Chat[0] => Pas de chat #Chat[1] => Style Netplay #Chat[2] => Carte style Chat CHAT_SYSTEM = 'Chat[2]' ENABLE_BUBBLE_CHAT = true # Afficher sur le héros # True = Vrai # False = Faux ENABLE_MC = true # Chat [Carte] # Si activé, le chat globale sera désactivé ENABLE_PC = true # Chat privé #--------------------------------------------------------------- #----------Système PvP------------------------------------------ PVP_Offline = "ABSENT" PVP_IN_GUILD = "Vous êtes dans la même guilde" #--------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------Magasin--------------------------------------------- STOREADD = 'Vendre' STORECANCEL = 'Quitter' STOREGET = 'Acheter' #--------------------------------------------------------------- SENDBUT = "Envoyer" NEXTBUT = ">>" PREVBUT = "<<" NEWBUT = "Nouveau" PNEWTEXT = " - [Votre statut est hors ligne]" DONTGOTTRADE = "Vous n'avez pas obtenu l'objet" NOTENOUGHTRADE = "Vous n'avez pas suffisamment pour cet objet" TRADEADDB = "Ajouter" TRADECANCELB = "Retour" TRADEREMOVEB = "Supprimer" TRADETRADEB = "Envoyer" ADMKICKALL = "Vous avez été tous chassé ! - ADMINISTRATION" ADMKICK = "Vous avez été chassé ! - ADMINISTRATION" end I will upload the scripts later. 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0 Polraudio 122 Report post Posted December 3, 2009 Im sorry but we need more information on what kind of help you need. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 MrJolteon 0 Report post Posted December 3, 2009 Yes, I forgot writing that. It's a online script that don't work(check spoiler) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Leon 55 Report post Posted December 3, 2009 Yes, more info. the error, a screen shot of the error, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 MrJolteon 0 Report post Posted December 4, 2009 Ok. Here's: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Kiriashi 117 Report post Posted December 4, 2009 You're going to have to consult the author (I think) because the script has flaws apparently. I tried all sorts of stuff and still get errors. Sometimes on different lines, but errors nonetheless. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 MrJolteon 0 Report post Posted December 6, 2009 oh... but I downloaded it from or was it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
0 Leon 55 Report post Posted December 6, 2009 There is a syntax error on line 165. Show me what htat line says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
I will upload the scripts later.
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