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Ok i have been having a very hard time trying to grasp math. It don't matter how much time i spend on it i just don't get it.

We go through at least 5 chapters a week in math and that's way to fast for me. i spend about 4 hours a day for 3 days a week studying.

I seem to understand it then but when the next day of class comes i don't know what i even studied. Its like i don't remember anything that has happened. Then we move on to another chapter. My classes are 2 hours a day 2 times a week. We go through 2-4 chapters a day.


My dorm room is super quiet so i have a quiet study area and i study way more than its required but it looks like i didn't even study.


Is there anything you can suggest to help me study and keep what i have learned or should i just tell the teacher F*** you your going way to fast and drop the class.

He says all you have to do it study for 4 hours out of class and you will be fine. what a lie to me.


Note: i learn 2x slower than the average person. Takes them 2 hours to finish an exam and it takes me 4.

Tried getting help from the helping place here but they cannot give me more help than i can give my self.

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Are you left-brained or right-brained? The only advice I can give, is that you should think about the problems in a different way. Sorry I can't be of more help.

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Basic business math. Loans, Mortages, Investment, Depreciation. all that crap.

Im a visual person thats why i have so much trouble because math is all text.

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Really? I can figure out equations with ease. Perhaps if you gave me information on each one I can help with some sort of graph.


For instance, with a loan of $500 and an compounded interest rate of 2.5% each month. Without paying on it, how much would be owed at the end of a year?


Make a graph to help. 500 * 2.5 + 500 would give you the first month, then you take that total and substitute the '500' with the new value, and continue that way.


I know it doesn't help in the least, that example, but i just wanted to show you i can assist, possibly...


btw, the first person to PM me with the answer, wins a pie!

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It sounds just like my finance and accounting course I took earlier this year. Our university system is probably completely different to yours, but I'll try to offer some advice...


With the equations we had to learn, and Chemistry back in highschool, there were only so many formulas and methods they can make you learn. First of all if there are several methods, stick to the one you like the best. Secondly, repeat the process of working out the answer for each type of question over and over and over until finally you barely need to think about the process. In fact practice them so much you dont even think about the process, you know it and you do it automatically. That's what I did for chemistry(which similar because of the numbers and formulas) and the limited amount of time I studied accounting, in the end they were very easy credits because of the little amount of thinking required when the exam came around.

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Math can be a hard subject to grasp for people. I was lucky with my family genetics as I received the math gene [Nobody in my family on my mom's side or the women (not to be sexist, it's actually true for my family) can do any math at all.] I sit there in a college calculus course in high school and think...how the h*ll did I get in here?


What I typically do is take massive notes, write any sample problems down he may (or may not..if he's an idiot), and then when I get home, open a book and apply the same steps he did to a new problem. Generally speaking, I can learn what to do in a matter of minutes. I've gotten so good at doing derivatives that I can take any equation and usually derive it in less than 20 seconds on paper and some of them in my head.


I guess practice makes perfect, but you're a visual learner...so I'd need to basically buy a whiteboard, web camera, and a memory chip and start teaching math to you for it to make sense.

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Nothing, my friend, it's not so difficult. That was me 2 years ago.


Better go and forget it as a nightmare.

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