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What's the point in living?

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So it may be, my beloved PS3, received 12/25/07, has perished to the dreaded code 80010514, a fatal error.

It is out of warranty, and I am required to surrender 149.99 (Plus tax) for it's revival.

Due to my condition with my daughter, there is no way I can afford it. So, to help my grief.


Let's us have a moment of silence.




Good-Bye my beloved. I will always love you, and know this on your passing; whenever I play with that gamecube, I am but thinking of you, not of she.

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I'm sorry, man. -takes off red and white santa hat with grinch on it in respect.- You will hang onto it, won't you? In case you ever get the fundage.

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yeah. mom was gonna toss an 360. I got the extended warranty info, got it refurbished for 10 bucks, turned right around and sold it. DEATH ALA 360. (WAAAAY too high of a failure rate for comfort).

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Yes sir, you are correct. I found a way to fix the drivers, but that didn't work. Oddly enough, it should be a software malfunction (because of the manner it went out), so a new drive, I would think, is unnecessary. But I don't know. Sony insists a new one is required, which is why they want to charge me 150.

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Yeah, this occurred after the most recent update. Being 3.10, I believe.

A firmware problem is just something Sony said to give an "official" explanation.

Every case I've reviewed online started the same way as mine, I.E. the PS3 freezes up, they turn if off and then turn it back on, game over. It had nothing to do with firmware. Supposedly it's firmware or a faulty drive sector. Can't be firmware, and I've returned my system to default settings like they said to on the support line, didn't work. Then I located a secret menu on the Playstation that replaces faulty system files with the original uncorrupted ones, and that didn't work. Which again makes me feel like it is a firmware problem because firmware isn't apart of the PS3 by default. But then, I ask, how can turning off a frozen PS3 fuck up firmware?

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Oh my God. PS3's are that defective? That reminds of the Dream Cast. It was pretty defective and Sega had to sell it's soul to Nintendo because of it just to survive. Sony might have to sell it's soul to Microsoft if the PS3 goes under. But,yeah that really sucks,wasn't there a longer warranty than that one? Well,I got a Wii,and an X Box 360,no PS3,the ONLY reason I'd get one now would be to play Final Fantasy XIII.

Most other games I know come out on all 3 systems.

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Actually, the PS3 failure rate is only around 16%, as opposed to the 360's 54(and growing)%. What it could be is since you bought it used, it has gotten a LOT of use, and the drive just wore out. Seriously. And the actual blu-ray drive they use is pricey, but not $150. Why not look online for a replacement drive for it, and a tutorial on how to switch it out?


I had to do that with the PS2. Voids the warranty, but you don't have one anyway.

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Your very true on that Leon. I have raped the PS3 of it's worth. And it turns out that it's issue is the Blu-Ray Diodes, apparently Sony had outsource to third parties during production due to lack of supplies, or so I'm told. So much earlier models, namely the 60 and 80 gig (backwards comp. enabled) might have these pieces. First I'm going to wipe the Blu-Ray lens with a dry cloth and see if it makes a difference, if it doesn't, I've found a reliable source of blu-ray diodes for sale that should fix the problem for around $30, much more affordable. And I know how to replace them. It's unfortunate, but this is truly my first ever issue with Sony since the PS1. It happens.

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I'm pretty sure it is impossible to ruin a Wii unless you modify it heavily. I wonder why they are more reliable than 360s and PS3s...


Sorry about that man, losing something like that can suck. (They DO have the nicer, cheaper model out now though.)

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I'm pretty sure it is impossible to ruin a Wii unless you modify it heavily. I wonder why they are more reliable than 360s and PS3s...


Sorry about that man, losing something like that can suck. (They DO have the nicer, cheaper model out now though.)


Nintendo has been in the business almost 7 years longer than its current competitors and knows that parts eventually wear down or break. So far, Nintendo has had 3 major faults in the past: The NES game battery likes to wear out. The N64 joystick. The Wii's graphical capabilities.

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Nintendo purposely left the Wii's graphics power alone; I think that the GBA's games' batteries dying is a better contender for a fault.

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Thought this was one of those lifestyle/mature discussion threads when I saw the title in the main forum page, lol. Anyways, I can't see how the graphical power in the Wii is a "major fault". The Wii is fine, it doesn't need to be a huge powerhouse to have great games. >_>


And that sucks Arky...don't know what to say though, I'm a Nintendo person and don't know much about the PS3. I had to deal with a similar problem with my Wii (wasn't an error though, disc drive went out it seemed) a while ago though, except the repair was about $100 I think.

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Thought this was one of those lifestyle/mature discussion threads when I saw the title in the main forum page, lol. Anyways, I can't see how the graphical power in the Wii is a "major fault". The Wii is fine, it doesn't need to be a huge powerhouse to have great games. >_>


And that sucks Arky...don't know what to say though, I'm a Nintendo person and don't know much about the PS3. I had to deal with a similar problem with my Wii (wasn't an error though, disc drive went out it seemed) a while ago though, except the repair was about $100 I think.


The biggest thing that make it a 'Major Fault' is people these days care about 1 big thing in their games: Graphics. Where it is true that the Wii has some outstanding graphics, (Look at RE4 and RE:DC; not to mention Deadly Creatures) Most people buy one of the other two strictly because of the graphical capabilities.

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Yeah, found that to be stupid...well those people are missing out on some good games like Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Metroid Prime Trilogy.

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I personally want to get Wii to continue Harvest Moon, they are one of my favs. lolz.


I finally procured the tools necessary to get into the blu-ray player, once I did, I wiped the lens with a dry cloth and reassembled it. Unfortunately it seems I'm going to have to cough up 35$ for another diodes. =(


Looks like a 2 week wait for me. Friggin' lame.

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I never seemed to have a problem with my 360, but that is because when not in use I turn it off, and unplug it as well. That stops it from overheating and stuff, etc.


I hope that you are able to fix the blueray drive Ark

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Referring to something Jesse said, you don't need a PS3 to get FF13. They are making it for 360 to which really ticks me off. FF13 has been ready for about a year or so for the PS3, then they decided to make it for 360 and now we have to wait for these idiots to make it. Another great game lost to that garbage of a 360 system. For those that say the 360 has better graphics to have not paid attention. PS3 will rock them graphics better all day. Play the same game on both and you can probably notice the difference.





As far as the actual topic matter. Ark get that .... fixed. We needa play some more MW2.

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lol well you do have a point there. They did push back FFXIII to 2010 'cause that retarded ass port. But Square Enix promised that the Xbox360 won't affect production value. However, they almost promised me that I'd be playing FFXIII right about now.


lol, I got the more expensive laser I guess, to buy a new one is actually about 66 dollars. If i were a technician of sorts, it'd actually only be about 10 dollars. Time to take a class. *Whines* I just wanna play MW2 and Dragonage!

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Guest Midnight Assassin

Unfortunately it seems I'm going to have to cough up 35$ for another diodes. =(

Be happy that you don't have to pay $150. :D

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