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Hope Afloat - It's Future and Recruitment

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As some of you may have seen, my game Hope Afloat has come a long way since 24th of July, '09. If you wish to take a look at the topic for Hope Afloat, you may follow this link. I think to myself everyday that 'one man is not his own castle' and thought that I would be able to do this project all on my own and, as my ideas for the storyline grew and grew, I realised that I will need some help. Below is a list of projects to do with Hope Afloat, and its sequels, with data and what I could use help with.


Hope Afloat

Has been worked on since the 24th of July, '09. Hope Afloat was, and still is, a very ambishes project. It has grown in storyline quite a lot; meeting Samantha (newest version) and making your way to the 3rd continent. Hope Afloat began when I toggled with a large group of scripts that make the shooting system seen in the game. My friend came around and, alike me, he is very interested in zombies, from real-life to games. He made a game (not too good) where you start in a store, retreat to a, umm, sewer system, I believe (because there were wall :D ) and that you survive out on a raft. About the same size as the one seen in Hope Afloat, too. But without the shelter and the boxes.


I went to sleep later that night, and found myself waking up at 3:30am making an improved version of the game; shooting system, better tilesets, better everything. The trouble I got in with my parents for using the computer at 3:30. At my house, there is strictly no computer until at least 6:00am because my dad usually wakes up between 6 and 7 for work. Anywho, the project grew and grew until now. With help from Lee, my friend who made the original and Infiltrations Expert on my zombie team, and Greg, Survivalist of my zombie team, the project has grown until now. The newest version, featuring the biggest and most interactive town yet; Engora, the survivor sanctuary. But, with all sanctuaries, there are horrid secrets and this one comes with a big one, one that may threaten the surviving population of people still trapped in their towns.


With Hope Afloat, the project is a few towns off completion; Jenkins, Leanck, Hades, Zues, Posideon, Thor and ???. You may wonder why there are 3 Greek God names and then Thor, but when you get to Thor you will see why. Well, I need help with a few things to get the project (and future ones) to run smoothly. If you have any questions just ask via PM. Here is what I need:



With the spriter, as I am one, I may need help with spriting a few zombie sprites, especially the upcoming boss. Also, I need a tileset request. A large ship, alike the Titanic in a way, with the ability to be walked upon. Anything that somebody can give me will be appreciated and I will credit them in the ending credits.


-Concept Artist;

Well, this could be for anyone who has some good ideas. Just remember; Hope Afloat and Grounded have their endings already planned. Most things in the middle, however, is sketchy. Any ideas that are put into the game will have you in the ending credits. A concept artist may help in all of the upcoming Hope Afloat projects if they wish to.


And the most important thing; the tileset request:

If you can help with this and need any other info, please PM me. This is one of the most important things I require for the completion of the game. A large ship, alike the Titanic in a way, with the ability to be walked upon to get to other areas, such as crew quarters, engine room, etc.. If you can help it will be greatly appreciated and I will credit you in the ending credits.


Grounded; Hope Afloats Sequel

Grounded is mostly sketchy as far. The ending is planned and so is the beginning. I don't want to spoil the beginning, but it requires the same ship tileset that Hope Afloat requires. This data will be included in the requirements for Grounded. If you get this tileset, however, you will be credited in both Hope Afloat and Grounded.


Grounded needs a lot of work; 35 weapons (all sprited and nearly ready) and 18 towns (no actual plans yet, except for the 3rd last one) in the 3rd continent. This would need the help of a concept artist to help plan the towns and other things.



As in Hope Afloat, the Ship Tileset (exterior and interior. Interior is not required as I can find one much easier) is greatly required but with a bit of editing. I need it to be slightly ruined, as if it crashed into somewhere or something. Spriters also needs to help me work on Samantha. I have the walking sprite but, since you can play as her in Grounded, it will require a lot of work to get her shooting some guns. This will be a large job and will be greatly appreciated and credited in the ending credits.


-Concept Artist;

As I said; Grounded is currently very sketchy. I might actually need 2 Concept artists, as they can help plan the 18 towns, new zombie types, bosses, etc.. This will be greatly appreciated and you will be credited in the ending credits.



This spot is reserved for Kiriashi unless he doesn't want to help. I need a mapper to assist me in sprucing up the maps I make and make them look better. This will be greatly appreciated and you will be credited in the ending credits.


Final Turmoil; the 3rd and final instalment of Hope Afloat

I can't say much about Final Turmoil as thus far. It is based 5 years into the future after Grounded, and the beginning is planned. This will be the final game in the Hope Afloat Series, and will offer a time line at the end that describes the next 100 years after the game. I need 1 thing so far, and will update once planning gets going:


-Concept Artist;

I need somebody to be my assistant planner, much more than a concept artist in a way. They will help with a lot of ideas, such as new towns made on the 3rd continent after Grounded, zombie types, bosses, etc.. There is a lot of planning ahead and, instead of being credited as a concept artist, you will be credited as an assistant designer.


Remember; if you have any questions just ask either here or via PM. If you'd like to help just say so and I will give you a task to see if you are right for the job. The tasks arn't too hard :) . Thanks.

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I've played this. Though buggy, it shows some promise. I just don't think there is anything I can bring to this title.

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Ideas and concepts are always avaiable, especially from somebody of your magnitude and creativity. Especially when it comes to 'Final Turmoil', that is barely planned as of yet.

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Well, if you're looking for ideas, I've only played a little bit of one of the versions (loved it btw - tho the knife was doing nothing for me lol) and all I can say is that if you want something... "interesting" then through in some mystery.


After im done with the Chapter 5 part of KoS, and release some official DLC for it, I'm starting on a new poject called "Illumanit & the Wolves", based on the supernatural of the world and the new world order comspiracy order, the Illuminati =). Mystery adds a level of... sexiness to any kind of game... especially action... just avoid the resident evil type mystery... they sucked.

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Sounds great, Zane. With the Sequel, Grounded, I am planning to make a very enigmatic feel to it; you crash... oops, spoiler. Shouln't keep going with that sentence :) . I'll PM you immidiently for some of your... "interesting" ideas and other things. Sorry I didn't reply sooner.


Also, you'd be glad to know that in the next release the knife can 1-hit most zombies. Guns at close range also do far more damage, too.


Since, for some reason, it recons that "This user cannot use the messaging system", I will have to post it here;


I read the post and am interested in a sample of your "interesting" ideas. As in my post, the sequel, Grounded, is meant to have an enigmatic feel to it. I'd like to see what you can come up with. Hope to hear back from you soon.



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