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Guest Midnight Assassin

The story of RMXP Unlimited

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Guest Midnight Assassin

A long time ago. Like, maybe around 1337 (lolmg!) CE, someone. Wait.


It was Mr. T. Yeah, Mr. T, he got some ninjas together, they were his homies. Anyways, the ninjas were totally hardcore gangstas from Mars who fought for justice across the universe. They formed a coalition called the ninja coalition of awesome judgment and justice, or the NCAJJ for short. Anyway, these guys were totally hardcore. Until Robot Jesus came along and started a reign of terror on the land!!! Chuck Norris.


BBcode? BBcode? With the BB and the code? Why back in my day we didn't have any of that kind ofOH LOOK A CARROT OLOLOLOLOL but seriously jesus is our lord and savior.


Now where was I? Oh yeah! Robot Jesus had this gun that could fire crocodiles that burst into flames, which were radioactive and a nightmare to keep clean. In an alliance with the Zombie Pope, Robot Jesus enslave the Earth, under the alias of L. Ron Hubbard, who was a robot. Anyway, Jesus and Zombie Pope used microwaves to hypnotise everyone into thinking that the world was actually only 12 years old, and that every twelve years, it destroyed itself and restarted from scratch.


Funny story. World War II didn't happen at all. It was all a mass LSD hallucination because the Zombie Pope lost a shipment of his magic happy muffins which collided with the sun, showering the populace in its hallucinogenic goodness.


Anyway, Zombie Jesus. Or was that Robot Jesus. I forget. Anyway, they were totally doing all this crazy shit until Mr. T's band of elite ninjas showed up. The ninjas fused with Mr. T, and together they became Godzilla Buddha, whose powers caused Jesus and the Pope to soil themselves. Wittgenstein would later describe the entire affair as "an unpleasant misappropriation of justice".


And the rest, as they say, is history. Or is it future? Who the fuck knows, anyways. Probably the voice in my head.


That is how 'RMXP Unlimited' came into being.

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