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evil cabbage

[DEVELOPMENT - XP] Doctor Who - The Time War RPG

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Hello All!


Welcome to the first ever RMXP project that I will be working on: Doctor Who - The Time War RPG.

For those who do not know, Doctor Who is a science fiction television series that currently airs on the bbc.

Here's the website: www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho


(Please note that you may feel a little alienated if you have never heard of doctor who, so you may want to find some episodes to watch on Youtube.)


As the name suggests, this game is going to be set around the unseen "Time War" in between the old and new series of Doctor Who


It is going to be split into 12 chapters or "episodes" that span the story of the game (all of these will be in the one game, you understand.)


Rough Synopsis

This game will cover the story of Doctor Who from the start and end of the time war. I will be using an unseen (my own) incarnation of The Doctor between McGann and Eccelston for the gist of the game. The companion's name is going to be "Luna".


Rough Storyline of the first "chapter" WARNING SPOILERS INSIDE!!

Doctor Who – The Time War RPG

Complete Synopsis

Contains the storyline and all the “main quests”, side quests may be added later

Written by evil cabbage



Episode 1 - Strangers


The game starts with the character who will become The Doctor’s companion throughout the game (Luna) sitting in a boarding high school lecture, eagerly awaiting the end of it. She eventually gets distracted and begins doing things to “pass the time” such as twiddling her thumbs and falling asleep. At the end of this lecture, the lecturer asks the class some questions about the lecture, everyone seems to know all the answers, except for Luna who hasn’t been paying attention. When it is her turn to answer a question, Luna fails miserably and is told to see the lecturer in his office at 5:00pm for detention. From there, Luna leaves the lecture. A clock in the class shows that the time is 3:30pm.


From there, Luna decides to go back to her dormitory to make a note in her diary about the boring lecture. At this point the player is told how to move the party members around. Upon arriving at her dorm, she finds that someone had gone through her things and spread them about the room as some sort of joke. The player is guided by some sort of “tutorial” when making Luna look in various places for her diary. During this time, the player pretty much learns everything there is to learn about playing the game, except battling. After finding it, she writes in her diary, which becomes the quest log for the game. Suddenly, realising that she only has 3 minutes to get to her detention, the player must then make a quick dash to the professor’s office.

Meanwhile; hundreds of years later, on the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Casterborous. Please note that all the stuff on Gallifrey below is one big cutscene.


Two time lord chiefs are in some sort of “briefing room” overlooking the Gallifrean capital which is in a glass dome. These two speak of bringing a particular time lord to Gallifrey to assist them in what they are calling a war against those who seeks to destroy us. It is subconsciously obvious that they are talking about The Doctor. They argue for a time, as one thinks that he will only bring trouble, but they eventually agree to force his TARDIS to materialise in the room where the two time lords are.


Meanwhile, the Paul McGann doctor is walking around in his TARDIS, tinkering to himself, flicking switches, etc when the TARDIS is rocked by a sudden energy. The TARDIS then materialises on Gallifrey in front of the two time lords. This is the first time that the time lords actually confirm that they were talking about The Doctor, as this is what they call him. They tell him that they need him to assist them in a possible war to destroy the whole of creation. The Doctor, insists that such a thing is impossible and departs in his TARDIS before guards can restrain him. One of the chiefs insist they he must be brough back and fires an intensely strong tractor beam at The Doctor’s TARDIS. The Doctor manages to escape the pull of the beam, but in doing so he makes a large area of the TARDIS’ wall break off, leaving him open to the pressure of the time and space vortex. The hole heals itself, but The Doctor is mortally wounded by his injuries sustained from the vortex. He collapses and regenerates into an unseen regeneration that was in-between between Paul McGann and Christopher Eccelston. The player sees the face of the new doctor and then the game cuts to the next scene. From now on, the player regains control.


Meanwhile, it’s night time back at Luna’s boarding school, she and other girls are sleeping away when Luna is woken up by the sound of the TARDIS dematerialising down the hall. Being careful not to wake anyone, Luna gets up to investigate the sound. After a short walk down the hallway, Luna finds the TARDIS blocking a doorway. Almost immediately, the new doctor emerges and realises where he parked. He remarks “oh.... oops,” Luna attempts to question him, but he disappears inside the TARDIS, de-materialising and materialising just beside the doorway. He then re-emerges, with his “sonic screwdriver” in hand and attempts to walk down the hall, but Luna taps him on the shoulder. There is a short dialog between them, where The Doctor tells Luna his name. This dialog is interrupted by the voice of the professor who was featured earlier in the game. The player can hear footsteps slowly getting louder. The Doctor dashes back into the TARDIS and then turns back to Luna and tells her to hide in there. Luna immediately refuses, but then The Doctor reminds her that if she stays out in the hall she will be caught by the professor. With a regretting look, she runs inside the TARDIS, turns around is overcome by the shock of what is in front of her.



Character Profiles (So Far)


The Doctor (New one, not the Paul McGann one who features for a little of the first "chapter")

Personality: The Doctor is an eccentric, human-like alien time lord from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Casterborous who travels through time and space and his ship, the TARDIS. He wears a french style light blue dining jacket with embroideries of question marks sewn into the jacket. He also wears a white "suit shirt", light blue trousers, black boots and a black tie. He may sometimes move a bit like a (male) jazz dancer. He also owns a miniature trumpet which he insists on playing whenever he gets the chance. His other habits include whistling, humming and playing old records from the 1920s. He has messy, light brown hair.


Luna, The Doctor's "companion"

Luna is a 17 year old year 12 student who primarily lives at a boarding school in Ireland. She doesn't particularly like school and prefers to slack off, although she is very intelligent, The Doctor comments on this several times. She winds up with The Doctor after sneaking down a corridor at night to investigate the sound of the TARDIS dematerializes. In order to avoid detection, she slips inside the TARDIS and The Doctor takes flight. She is quite tall and skinny and has long black hair. She is pretty, but not necessarily super-attractive.



Unfortunately, I created this topic so that I could recruit a team to create this with me, so there are no screenshots yet.


Systems being used

-GuibiD's Tactical Battle System


Apply for the team:

Go to the recruitment topic

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uhmmm -- first, I'd do a lot more research! Your account of the Time War is very bad, and bares no connection whatsoever to the actual chronicled events. I can tell you're a fan, but to make a game and be authentic about it, you've got to be an Uberfan, almost a fanatic that has taken Otherstide as their religion -- otherwise those that are bigger, better informed fans than yourself (and this is a franchise that has been SCREAMING for a decent video game transition, litterally screaming, since the mid-eighties) will tear it to pieces -- the outline as you have it now cannot, simply will not hold water with real, obsessive fans. Imagine making a Star Trek game and the backlash you'd get for doing anything wrong there -- it's the same bloody thing. To do the Whonivers justice, do it right, get into the massive and wide range of fan-fiction books that delineate and explore the eighth doctor and detail the events during and the closing hours of, not to mention the catalysts to the Time War. Delve geekily into the Gallifreyan and Shebogan culture to better understand the back story to the Time Lord's home planet -- it's the only way to have any gravitas in anything you'll do with regards to this project.

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uhmmm -- first, I'd do a lot more research! Your account of the Time War is very bad, and bares no connection whatsoever to the actual chronicled events. I can tell you're a fan, but to make a game and be authentic about it, you've got to be an Uberfan, almost a fanatic that has taken Otherstide as their religion -- otherwise those that are bigger, better informed fans than yourself (and this is a franchise that has been SCREAMING for a decent video game transition, litterally screaming, since the mid-eighties) will tear it to pieces -- the outline as you have it now cannot, simply will not hold water with real, obsessive fans. Imagine making a Star Trek game and the backlash you'd get for doing anything wrong there -- it's the same bloody thing. To do the Whonivers justice, do it right, get into the massive and wide range of fan-fiction books that delineate and explore the eighth doctor and detail the events during and the closing hours of, not to mention the catalysts to the Time War. Delve geekily into the Gallifreyan and Shebogan culture to better understand the back story to the Time Lord's home planet -- it's the only way to have any gravitas in anything you'll do with regards to this project.


Lol, I know it's kind of bad. I doubt that I will ever actually be making this now as,

A.) This game would require WAY too many custom resources. The stuff does not already exist on the net, so would need a huge team to do this. This game would only really continue if there was some sort of miracle if you had to look at it in the harshest possible way

B.) The original purpose of this game was to make something better than the awful Doctor Who: Top Trumps game - I think a few guys on forums can make a better game than that, but now the BBC have released a better one, it's called Doctor Who: The Adventure Games (and I can't download it because I'm from Australia.)


I probably will still end up making a game, just something with a more original concept!


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Evertalis is right, if you are gonna make a game after a movie/anime, you should make sure your facts are accurate, unless you are making a fictional scenario.

But if you are serious about becoming a game developer you should make your own games, games based on movies tend to be bad.

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I can help you with the story

Judging by the recruitment topic I don't think he's looking for help with the story http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=3960


Furthermore, no one has posted in this topic in nearly 2.5 years and the original poster hasn't been here in almost a year, so I don't think this topic is useful to anyone anymore.


Topic closed.

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