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RMXP Pool & Scrive

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Evil Cabbage already announced this on his site yesterday, so I thought I'd make an official topic here.


Earlier this week, I contacted evil cabbage about possibly merging the two programs together: The look & functionality of Scrive with the resources of RMXP Pool. It would only make sense to put them together, since Scrive was practically a portion of RMXP Pool's database.


With this new program, the name will not change, but the look of the program will. RMXP Pool will (hopefully) come in 4 different skins:


1. Classic Scrive Theme. This is the default theme that is currently being created by me, and actually has no real relation into the original Scrive look. It's just going to be a simple Windows Form designed GUI that's quite easy to navigate. It's a Windows 98 style GUI as well, hardly any color. Probably best for computers with low memory & slower graphics cards.


2. The Office 2007 Theme. This is the theme I'm going to have difficulty designing even though Scrive 5.0 looked like it. The reason I say this is because it was quite hard to create Scrive 5.0's GUI, and integrating it into something for an even bigger program like RMXP Pool is going to be quite hard to accomplish. This theme might come later on after a few releases.


3. RMXP Pool Classic Theme. The theme that's in RMXP Pool already. It will also be integrated in as a selectable theme.


4. Last but most certainly not least, the winning theme of the theme contest for RMXP Pool will also be integrated. The requirements for the skin are the same as they were already.


When I get around to it, I also might allow the Classic Scrive Theme to be modifiable, or at least it's colors be controlled from external files. It depends on how hard that will be to do successfully.


You can see a preview of the Classic Theme in the spoiler below:

Note: The GUI says RMXP Scrive, but that was before I knew that we were going to keep the name the same, and I just didn't have time to change it before making this post.







Current list of features (Not complete by any means):

1. Automatically updates the database & terms file on Startup (if you have an active Internet connection).

2. When you download an item, the program automatically marks it as downloaded and prevents you from redownloading the same item twice.

3. The ability to set your own download location (rather than defaulting to C:\My RMXP Pool Downloads\<filename>)

Plus more! (I just haven't gotten around to documenting all of it.)


I hope to release sometime before New Years, but no promises of any sorts.

Leave all comments & feedback here, or on the website (linked above).

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With that not I want to thank everyone for there support with Scrive through the years. Im amazed how far we got with it and I honestly think this is the best thing to do. All versions of scrive will not be supported anymore unfortunately and I would suggest using RMXP Pool in the future.


I have had an idea for the longest time to make scrive something like RMXP Pool and when I finaly got the chance to it was at a stage where no one trusted anyone with there resources so sprites etc were hard to get for the program. Needless to say Evil Cabbage has come up with a pretty good program and with formless working on the newest version with him theres many awesome things to come.

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I don't believe it will. I do need to get back with you on MSN to discuss the details on how to do this though, as things will be different now because of how RMXP Pool handles it's database.

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