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New RGSS Scripts Section + Tutorials System

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We have a new RGSS Scripts section with its own category, divided per engine.

It looks something like this:



It's a rather large section, and I'm a bit worried the RGSS2 section in particular may remain empty for a while. Though its a necessary step for being more VX orientated. At least, this should avoid confusion with anything RGSS in terms of where to post.


This has been up for at least a week, but in the middle of making it I lost internet again I had to stop for a while. It took so long to separate each XP topic from the VX, even with prefixing.


Tutorials System

The tutorials forum may be hidden away in the support forum, but I'm encouraging everyone to keep writing tutorials. The new tutorial system that we are going to use works as follows:

When a member submits a tutorial to the tutorials forum, we considering it for moving to the tutorials mod which is has nice categorization. Some topics have already been 'tutorialized', which is what a specified group can do with any topic.


The new tutorials section though I would like to be strict with what can go in there. A few ground rules are:

1. Good presentation, easy to read, clear, reasonable English

2. Unique, not a double up of an existing tutorial. So, once a tutorial is written on something, that is the official tutorial for that subject. Although it can be replaced

3. Only tutorials from topics that members post on RMXPUnlimited. (exclusive)


I am thinking of setting up a staff group to select these tutorials, although it would be one member. Perhaps that is something for the future.



Oh, and one last thing. We have a news module that displays the latest 5 news topics:



I made a topic a while ago about syncing RMXPUnlimited announcements. Since I have decided not to continue that, because of course the website does not use the same forum bbcode, and with very little activity in the blogs, it was all a lot of effort for very little.


Im thinking of removing the website announcements and replacing it with content, but only time will tell with what is going to be done with it. Usually I wouldn't announce website updates, as there will be a million and 1 of them, but this one I did nearly from scratch.

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