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Greatest acheivement of 2009?

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2009 is now officially in the past, so lets take a second to a reflect...


What was your greatest achievement of 2009? The thing you are most proud of, or happy that you did.


For me, it was my final grades in university, which I dub my 'comeback' :) . Overall I am very pleased 2009 is over, a slow uneventful year, and I look forward to a better year in 2010.

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Surviving a day on the road during typhoon Ketsana, hands down. Twice the wind speed of Katrina and thrice the rainfall. All alone, cell phone was dead, car was flooded in up to my ankles. I was stranded on the road for a full 24 hours.


Compared to everyone else though, I had it easy.

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Sheesh, I am damn glad I took to pixelling in the late 2008. Im actually not bad at pixel art anymore. 2009 was almost a year wasted, but I learned a ton about different things when it comes to my art and my game development. I left RM behind, as I felt it was too limiting. I see now that its not the engine, its the story, the interactions, the laughter. I will still not Use it, as Ive got bigger dreams, but I dont look down upon it now. I envy the simplicity of it actually.

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