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This is pissing me off!

First, I have this crap-for-wireless connection, it's annoying me and I wish I could completely destroy it. GRRR. It's kind of like a woman (No offense) but it gets those moodswings, you know. It's either off or on, and when it's on, it doesn't really try to maintain a connetion and takes forever to load stuff. It took me literally 3 minutes just to load the "Create a Topic" page.

I wish I had my old shitty one, it was shitty, but not AS shitty, and it was external contrary to my new internal which blows the semen out of a submarine.


Second is Metal Gear Solid 3: Online, I advise none of you to play it. It's not as cool as all those trailers make it look. When you fire, you damn gun bullets fly everywhere but at your target unless your manually aiming, but at the time you hit them twice your already dead (?) and then, for some reason the game doesn't play rocket launcher animations or sounds. So you can just be running and flip in the air dead and it shows the guy that killed you with a rocket launcher reloading it with no smoke around him whatsoever. When you get shot, you slow down so they can shoot you more. There is no practice, because it's not like the regular metal gear solid game, and when you jump in you die all the time and occasionally get the chance to kill someone when you spawn right next to them.


And finally, I'm going to my dads. Not a problem with him, but I strongly dislike that wannabe know-it-all step-mother. She is the most irritating woman you'd ever meet. Phew, now I feel better.. Gotta pack for my dads.

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Glad you got what you had to say off your chest ARK looks like you been holding it in.

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Yeah... The feeling afterwards was like.. That feeling you have after taking a huge dump.

Well. My weekend went good until I got on my computer and realized that the wireless connection wouldn't let me get on the net, so I'm on the main one right now. And I feel like playing MGS: Online again. Practice makes perfect I suppose.

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Ummm....well I'm not sure about the huge dump comparison. But it does feel good after you punch something. Believe me, I've broken 4 fingers doing that. And have fun with the game thing.

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Until something is broken, I don't stop. No exercise could take my mind off the anger. Sometimes I just lose my temper what can I say? I've almost broken my computer on so many occasions stepping on it and everything.

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lol, I thought I had it bad. I used to have an "Anger Controller" you know, one I broke already and I would just repeatdly beat on it. Eventually it became nothing.


I exercise until I'm tired, I figure that one your tired, you don't have enough strength to continue your rampage.

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Well, one way to calm me down, is just to stop thinking about what made me mad in the first place and take a nap. By the time I wake up I won't remember what made me mad in the first place. And I'm back at peace with the world. Speaking of which I better get at piece with my homework or I'm going to get in trouble.

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I've been their before, Shadow. I'm never going to be able to upload my game. It's over 3GB already, and not even the fastest wireless connection could upload that kind of stuff. I don't even know what host could host a file that big.

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I'm a good host Grandor. :D lol i really could upload it to my server though.

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Really, you would do that for me? That would be great. And I have over 620 songs. Obviously of top quality. I don't use any of that MIDI low quality crap unless it's a really good song.

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Yea I'm sure I could do that for you man if you don't mind your game being linked to a rap site lol.

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Not a problem. :D Though yea that is quite a bit of space. I'ma have to see how much space I've used up on it because I have a total of 8GB space on my server. I'm thinkin' 'bout tryin' to learn how to set up my own server off a dedicated computer or something so I'll have even more space. We'll see how that goes.

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Nice Wyz, and yes I know how it feels. I used to have a 4 kb/sec download until last year. And I've worked with RPG Maker for about 5/6 years give or take.

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If you have your own server, I think the cost is less, and you can have as much space as you want with space packages. (Packages you purchase for bandwitch on your server) I might think about doing that too, but I need to know how to do it.

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