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evil cabbage

[XP] - Doctor Who Game - Tileset Requests

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Okay, I am making a Doctor Who RPG (based on the time war) with Gary the Duck, so such a thing is going to require a HUGE amount of custom resources. Before you ask, I am using a custom incarnation of The Doctor. This topic is for my tilesets and autotile requests. I don't mind if these tilesets are edited RTP tilesets to some degree.


Tileset Requests:


-Modern University Grounds.

I will need this to contain all the standard walkways and building, etc that you would find in a regular university, along with decorations such as trees, flowerbeds, signs, etc.


-Modern University Inside:

-Inside a modern university. Must at least include support for the following: lecture rooms, halls, offices and dormitories. A vending machine would also be nice. One other thing I will need is things that can be used to create a "messy room" (for the dorms).


That is all I will need for now, as I will request resources as I need them.


If you are able to make some graphics for me, then I will not only credit you in the game's forum topic, I will also include you name in a really cool opening theme similar to this (which will play at the start of the game (I made that opening by the way.):


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