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Making BGM continue with Battle BGM


I want to, for a specific event, start playing a bgm, and then initiate a battle, with the same bgm music, and picking up where it was before the battle started. And I only want to do it for this event specificaly.


Does anyone know how I would do that?

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Well... I guess if it was a cutscene, you could do this.


-Get an audio editor

-Create 2 audio files, 1 is the music in your cutscene and the other is what you want in battle.


If you were able to set up a system where the cutscene would run for a specific time, then this would work.


I hope this helped!

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I was hoping for some type of script. I've stumbled onto a script to replace the standard script that controls this, but if the bgm and battle bgm aren't the same(for basicaly the entire game other than the event) the overworld bgm stops completely.

I'll list it for referance:


def call_battle

# Clear battle calling flag

$game_temp.battle_calling = false

# Clear menu calling flag

$game_temp.menu_calling = false

$game_temp.menu_beep = false

# Make encounter count


#change $game_temp.map_bgm = $game_system.playing_bgm

if $game_temp.map_bgm != $game_system.bgm_play($game_system.battle_bgm)


# Play battle start SE


# Play battle BGM



# Straighten player position


# Switch to battle screen

$scene = Scene_Battle.new



this essentially does what I want for that scene specificaly, but as I said, it causes the bgm for the overworld to stop playing after a battle any other time.


Is there a way to temporarly change the game script?

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Here, try this:


#  Leon's battle BGM Fix
#  Feature:
#    You can turn off the battle music for battles, and let the
#    bgm play through.  It will only be interupted by the music
#    effect of battle, then the music fades back in.
#  Instructions:
#    Place after Scene_Debug, but before Main
#    set SWITCH_TO_BYPASS equal to the switch that needs
#    to be on for this to work.  So, if SWITCH_TO_BYPASS equalled 1,
#    and switch 1 is on, the BGM plays through battle.  When switch
#    1 is off, it will turn on the battle background music.

class Scene_Map
 alias leon_bgmfix_scenemap_callbattle call_battle

 def call_battle
   $game_temp.battle_calling = false
   $game_temp.menu_calling = false
   $game_temp.menu_beep = false
   $game_temp.map_bgm = $game_system.playing_bgm
   unless $game_switches[sWITCH_TO_BYPASS] == true
   $scene = Scene_Battle.new


Just turn on the switch associated with the script, change the music, proceed through the battle.

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