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MAWS - Modified Advanced Weather Script

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MAWS - Modified Advanced Weather Script.

Based on AWS maded by Ccoa.

Modified by Agckuu Coceg.

RPG Maker: XP


Hello everyone. I thought I was something quite a while not writing scripts mods, and decided to roll a small mod to the script weather made Ccoa. Here are its main indicators.


What's special about it?

Practically nothing. I just added 11 special effects, which I found interesting and suitable for creating games of any genre.


* New green leaves effects - Blowing and swirling

* Yellow leaves effects - Falling, blowing and swirling

* Rain effects - Oil rain, Golden rain, Flame meteors

* Color Starburst effects - Starburst, uprising starburst, starburst rain.


Naturally, 20 effects maded by Ccoa remains in place. Therefore, when replacing the classic AWS script for a new nothing will change.


How to use:

Differences between the script and this script Ccoa in principle, no. So nothing has changed. Just create a call script with the following text:



$ game_screen.weather (type, power, hue)



User-defined weather user images imported to the pictures folder. The controls are:



$WEATHER_UPDATE = false - change this one any time you're about to use user-defined weather


$WEATHER_IMAGES = [name, name, ...] - a list of the names of the images, separated by commas.


$WEATHER_X = 0 - the number of pixels the image should move horizontally (positive = right, negative = left)


$WEATHER_Y = 0 - the number of pizels the image should move vertically (positive = down, negative = up)


$WEATHER_FADE = 0 - how much the image should fade each update (0 = no fade, 255 = fade instantly)


$WEATHER_ANIMATED = true (or false) - whether or not each sprite in the weather should cycle between all the available images.




In principle, this script is compatible with almost all kinds of scripts and SDK. But if this script will interfere with some kind of scripts, please PM or write to me. I will try to solve the problem.



If you use this script, please give a link to me and Ccoa.


Demo (of course...)



Also interested in your ideas for adding new effects to the script. Please write in this topic about your your thoughts on this matter.


Thanks to all, Agckuu Coceg. Works at the name of shounen.

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I love it! I was planning on creating a way to do this myself! I've never heard of this script, but now I will use it ^.^



Thanks for posting, editing the awesome stuff in and sharing :yes:

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It is strange that you did not hear. As if Ccoa Weather Script every second creator does not use... :biggrin_002: :biggrin_002: :biggrin_002:

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Well, I stay away from Ccoa's scripts because I know they are extremely great, but cost money to use :sweatdrop:


It is such a lovely script though. :)


Oh, could you maybe post this script here? This community is a great forum. Just asking :unsure:

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Money for this script? Not once have not heard of such prank. Apparently, you're fooled.

And the script itself is placed on my behalf, can not you? And then I have not been registered.

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