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Health Insurance

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All I have to say is **** the government. They already screwed me over...twice. Now they're screwing with us all as Americans (except for the people of New Zealand and other places...). I knew Obama was going to fail. *facepalm*

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Excuse me..but How does it work the Health theme in the cities you live?


In Spain we have the "Seguridad Social" an official organization that takes care about all the public health stuff.

We have a monthly deduct in our wages (is a law, not an optional decission)destinated to pay our public health assistance.


Unfortunately, public health has bad reputation : workers are mostly kind and professional, but the organization seems a joke. People spend hours just to be attended of urgent cases, doctors have to visit a determinated amount of people in an hour ... and we are paying this disaster month by month.


In other way we already have private health.


I've heared about the american health reform but I don't understand it at all...

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Deca, It will end up being a lot like yours. They say America is free... well, it is slowly turning away from that.

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omg I hope this isnt a necro post,

but I want to mention

that the main problem is that if you don't have health insurance and you get sick, the bill can destroy you financially

America's health care system is rated number 37th

in the world


Japan is number 1

reason being that everyone has health care and therefore the premiums are lowered

insurance companies are forced to cover everyone and doctors have to charge a set price on anything related to medicine


even though this a bit to socialist for America, they pay less than a 1/10 of what we pay and live 10 years longer


In fact America spends the most money on health care


Note: If you try to get insurance when you are sick, you will be denied at that point you are already screwed


American health companies are focused on making a profit every insurance claim people make, they lose money. So you have a better of chance of having coverage when you are healthy then when you are sick


THE U.K medical system is run by the Government which is to much for us


but at the very least if everyone is required to buy health insurance, insurance companies will be required to offer coverage to everyone

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