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I am really upset. I was going to hang out with some friends today. However a girl who my friend likes called me a nigga. I was very upset, and I went off on her. I said some mean things to her face and walked away.


It really pisses me off when I see a group of young black men call each other niggas and niggers. It is a disgrace. They're just disrespecting themselves. Do they know their history? No other race in the US has a large number of people using racial slurs about their race. The US has a history of racial problems with Jewish, Chinese, Japaneses, Blacks, etc.

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It's usually the ones that are uneducated or easily influenced. There's (sadly) a small number of pretty well educated African Americans (the politically correct term) in my school and they don't use the "n" word, but it's the ones that are in the Remedial/Basic classes that end up failing those.


Not being racist either, just statistics. Not to mention we got our "school report card", and sadly, the African race was the lowest percentage of passing (at the 50%, + or - 4% per subject mark). Statistics don't lie, and someone who calls unbiased statistics is a moron (IMHO).


Before I get off subject, I'll hop back on with this: Racism will always exist. There is no end in sight mostly because it is due to human nature and stereotypes. Until we can change how we are (as human beings), and change the stereotypes, we will always have Racism.



As a comment to the US having racial problems, it's because of what we are: "The Melting Pot". Unfortunately, the melting pot seems to have issues with races actually melding together. Locally, we have a station called B.T.V., which stands for "Black Television". I bet if we had a W.T.V., a "White Television", it would be closed due to racial issues. <_<


Those are a few examples of how racially divided our (well, for anyone that lives here) country has become and there's no end in sight.



Edited by formlesstree4

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You're not being racist. Actually blacks have the highest drop out rates. Part of the problem is that they are in school zones that do not have good schools. These schools do not have proper funds to run a good school.

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He's not being serious, and some members will take offense to "I hate white people".


It is interesting how a race can use a racist term against each other. Perhaps the meaning of the word will change over time as those parts in history become older.

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"I hate White People" - Arkbennet.


Doesn't that make you racist?


Most people consider America to be the "Melting Pot" of the World's culture, but I believe it to be a

"Salad Bowl". The individual cultures do not fuse and become a different entity but retain it's origin while all together resulting in a rich society. As for me, I'm African-American and I do use the N word on occasion, but no every ten worlds. I believe black people use it to lessen the severity of the word, however I feel a word(or anything for the matter) is only powerful because people allow it to be.



History Lessen(In case your interested): Racism among white an black people didn't start into after the slaves were freed. Why? Because, before the two races didn't have to compete for day to day things that were needed after the Civil War. In fact, Abraham Lincoln didn't actually free the slave because he felt like that was the right thing to(maybe); it was a strategic move to cripple the South's economy.

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it was a strategic move to cripple the South's economy.

I forgot about going back that far. It was, and it helped sway the war in the Union's favor (though burning their entire landscape from the ocean deep into the South did have a favorable plus as well).



Doesn't that make you racist?

I think it was more of a joke that he said that. It kind of proves his point though about how racism can be taken to the extreme with one sentence.


I believe black people use it to lessen the severity of the word, however I feel a word(or anything for the matter) is only powerful because people allow it to be.


Using a word more often doesn't change what the word is, its meaning, and where it originated from. You are right though about it being only as powerful as people let it be.


Part of the problem is that they are in school zones that do not have good schools.

Another part is that teachers get discouraged because they deal with 100 some odd students in these zones that don't care by the time they get to the higher levels. Stricter punishments would keep some in line.....another subject for another time..anyway moving on.


I go to a school that's not terribly bad. We have a thriving Advanced Placement program and Honors/Pre-AP program. But the quality of the school drops because of the lower students that end up dropping out anyway. There's only so much you can do for a student before you can't help anymore. :unsure:



I really like discussions like this, when everyone keeps their temper. It allows for spreading of knowledge and opinions without worry of someone flipping out and getting angry, so good job guys :B):

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I don't mind if people are black or white. I've got plenty of white,black and coloured friends and i have never used the 'n' word.

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I wonder why people are so cruel towards people of another race? This is not something that is impossible, but extremely unbearable to see people laughing at other people based on race.

This problem already has too strong a negative potential. And if we are in it is not dismantled, it can easily kill each other.

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Sadly racism is something that will never go away. There will always be racist members in every society.

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Afer my last moving I was living in a city with several problems of coexistence.

The saddest point was not only the "native" villagers were acting as foreigners were a really menace but the same newly arrived looked each others very badly.


We could learn a lot of interesting things about other people and their cultures .. what a shame...



Who said "War will exist until skin color is more important than eyes colors" ? (or something like that.. )

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The cycle of racism is constructed upon the skeleton of generalization and humans constant need to give reason and meaning to every little thing. A Chinese man goes before me during a stop sign, though it is my turn. Why would he do this? Does he not know proper driving etiquette? It must be because he is Chinese, everyone said they weren't good drivers. So Chinese people DO suck at driving!

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The cycle of racism is constructed upon the skeleton of generalization and humans constant need to give reason and meaning to every little thing. A Chinese man goes before me during a stop sign, though it is my turn. Why would he do this? Does he not know proper driving etiquette? It must be because he is Chinese, everyone said they weren't good drivers. So Chinese people DO suck at driving!


Stereotypes, perfect example of racism. I've heard a stereotype against African Americans that they love fried chicken and watermelon. Sadly I've seen a newspaper article about a guy confessing for two buckets of KFC >_> (and yes he was African American).


I guess what I'm relating to is how in Arkbennett's example, Chinese Americans are crappy drivers while African Americans love chicken and watermelon....everyone follow me here?

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I get a lot of racist slurs, because I am Jewish (of Israeli descent [i was born in Tel Aviv]). I have grown accustomed to them, and just ignore them now. It is getting harder to be a practicing Jew in London now because of the racism and violence from the Muslim populations.

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Arkbennett, formlesstree4, it's silly to attach certain stereotypes to people. After all, every person is unique.


I have rarely seen hard racism in real life, but from my point of view, modern television only warms up racial conflicts, showing not entirely plausible options racial conflicts.


If a person hates another person on racial grounds, then why should he not hate yourself? He's from the standpoint of anatomy and biology is absolutely similar to the object of hatred, is not it?


By the same principle based discrimination on other grounds: religion, political beliefs, financial status... And it appears much more often than discrimination based on race. But this is essentially the same thing.

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I think its a bit presumptious to assume everyone means it in a derogatory way. Its just another word people use nowadays, some hold its meaning to what you interpret it to be, but by no means is that everyone.


I live in Canada, maybe the border made us more civil, but I have never, to this day, heard someone use the word nigga meaning the guy was an illiterate slave/whatever else you take it to mean. We all say it because its just another word; in my opinion nobody should be affected by a racial word, I can see someone callin you a bitch or something might piss you off.

But racial words are just stupid, I think its a good thing that people use them as much as they do, including me, to dumb the meaning down. Kike used to be a bad word to say, but now its so common not many people think twice about it, I've called catholic people kikes. Am I still insinuating that they are worse than me for being jewish? No, they arent jewish.


Not every case is the same, and judging by the way people post on topics like these, Canada is much different than the U.S., but that shouldn't much matter in my opinion. People joke about it, black people use the word, so do white people. Some black people get offended, then they call me a cracka, so any remorse I'd have felt is instantly gone. I probably have at least ONE friend from the majority of races/cultures, so I clearly don't use words like that with the same meaning you think it means.


Point being, nigga, kike, cracka, its all crap. Treat it like crap and you won't be so offended by everything people do ;)


Side note, if anyone was offended by my post... I clearly haven't proven my point.

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Arkbennett, formlesstree4, it's silly to attach certain stereotypes to people. After all, every person is unique.


I was a fictional character.

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To put it simple, if i might. There are three things that dominate this world "Political Views(Government)" "Religion" and "War"


racism started with Government(Egypt); If you were the lowest class, you were a slave simple...

when it comes to the African Americans, it came to Religion... they treated them such as animals therefore trying to say "Dominion Over you" and the whole thing about the bible saying be loyal to your master ect.


now when it came to these religious ideals, it was locked, I'm surprised that we got this far as blacks as actually lol.


anyways because of that, true hard nut cases really believe that blacks are mere animal.



and even though im Black, i'm sad to say, I dont believe our people will ever fully rise, I honestly do believe we're doomed lol.

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Good thing you told her off, the rude creature. :C


I, personally, am not racist. I don't like racist people, even if they are a little racist.


and even though im Black, i'm sad to say, I dont believe our people will ever fully rise, I honestly do believe we're doomed lol.


I don't believe that's true. I mean, we have a African American as our president.


racism started with Government(Egypt); If you were the lowest class, you were a slave simple...

when it comes to the African Americans, it came to Religion... they treated them such as animals therefore trying to say "Dominion Over you" and the whole thing about the bible saying be loyal to your master ect.

now when it came to these religious ideals, it was locked, I'm surprised that we got this far as blacks as actually lol.

anyways because of that, true hard nut cases really believe that blacks are mere animal.


Religion? Which religion? I don't believe any actually considered Africans/African American as animals. Well, I know the bible didn't speak of it, unless mine is screwed up.


We (Well, I believe that if I was in the time of Slavery, I would be one of those thousands of women trying to help) and other races screwed horribly by forcing Africans/African Americans as slaves, but the same thing happened to Native Americans (They were called animals and burned and tortured -- a lot more than that though), old Eastern people's poor classes, women, children and different colored people.


The white race/Spanish/British really had something wrong with them back then and it makes me sick to think that they (I say they, not us or we), as humans, could do such a thing. Unfortunately, it might be a long time until we stop separating our races/religions/nationalities or anything else. Not when we have these types of channels:




Not sure what this is

Channel for whites

Channel for Spanish

Channel for Asians

Channel for women

Channel for Men


I can't believe channels for one race, religion, thoughts, nationality, are actually made. Its...its absurd! How are we suppose to become one if this happens? Should we divide up the states based on Sexual Orientation, Race, Nationality and Religion? Because that's where its gonna go soon if we don't stop this.


I get a lot of racist slurs, because I am Jewish (of Israeli descent [i was born in Tel Aviv]). I have grown accustomed to them, and just ignore them now. It is getting harder to be a practicing Jew in London now because of the racism and violence from the Muslim populations.


I'm so sorry that happens to you, isaacsol. No one should have to go through any of that, its wrong. I hate it when I see a racist person, it makes me really angry. Sometimes I want to punch them. But luckily, I've only met one person in real life that was sexist, racist and hated "bigger" people. He is a 86 year old man who lives near us. He hates women and thinks they don't deserve life outside of the house, hates Africans, Asians (he served in the war a long time ago, which probably started his racism) and has even gone as far as insulting my younger brother for being a little chubby cheeked. I came closing to punch that old bat, but, I would have been arrested, I think -- cause he served or something like that.


The most racism I see, is on TV and that's sometimes about people splitting each other apart from the other -- example: the channels.

Its hard to hear people say that white people are racist, when they aren't. Its wrong to say, and I'd go as far as saying its racist.


I was going to say much more but “ame i.” said what I was going to say perfectly. In addition to what she said, if people expect racism to go away then black people need to quit making such a big deal out of color all the time! Just look at the pregnancy book that was mentioned.


A pregnancy book for BLACK people (um, is pregnancy really different for back woman??? Give me a break!!!)! What if someone wrote a pregnancy book specifically for white people? There would be a huge uproar! What if white people had their own white TV Channel such as black people do? Can you imagine the hell that would break loose over that?


What if there was a tv special on about white people and an article was written that it is for black people to watch such as this article is doing, only this article is the other way around?


But no, white people aren’t doing these things. Imagine the chaos it would cause if they did. White people would be considered incredibly racist if they did anything like these things but yet black people do it all the time and then call others racist!!!! Black people are singling THEMSELVES out!!!

- Sara


Read more: http://www.momlogic.com/2009/07/must_see_tv_for_white_people_cnn_black_in_america.php#ixzz0kTsOKSmN


No, clearly Sara is a little racist, but she does have one point: people single themselves out. Let's edit her post:


But no, white people aren’t doing these things. Imagine the chaos it would cause if they did. White people would be considered incredibly racist if they did anything like these things but yet black people do it all the time and then call others racist! People of different races, culture, religion, nations and sexual orientation -- ARE SINGLING THEMSELVES OUT!




Its also racist telling white people they "need" to watch "Black in America 2". They are stereotyping use.


*Also...what is about African Americans having their own pregnancy book? That's another example!*


I hope my post didn't come off wrong, just trying to explain something locked away in my head that keeps trying to fight itself free *sigh*

I'm off to bed now!



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