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Eventing Issue


I'm trying to make a simple switch, here's what the events looks like:


Event 1 (The invisible door blocking the cave)

Page 1:

(Nothing, just the impassible door)

Page 2:

Conditions: RocksGone = ON

(Basically an empty event.)


Event 2: (The switch)

Page 1:

Switch: RocksGone

Page 2:

Conditions: RocksGone = ON

(Empty event.)


That should work, right? For some reason the game freezes when I activate the switch... I tried doing the same thing with variables, but to the same end.


With Variables:


Event 01

Page 1:

Invisible door

Page 2:


Variable: RockGone = 1 or above


Event 2:

Page 1:

Varible: RockGone +1

Page 2:


Variable: RockGone = 1 or above.


Now that should work too, right? I'm confused, they both freeze afterwards... Can anyone help?

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10 answers to this question

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Are you making sure to not have them Autorun? They should all be set to

action button, that way they wont freeze your game. What you have works,

but it seems your problem is stemming from autorun trying to run a set

of commands that do not exist, thus the looping freeze. If that doesnt

help you out, I'll need a little bit more information on what's going

on. Hope that helps!

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Oh, well there's another event dependant on that switch being turned on. Theres the invisible door, the switch, and a sign that activates a bridge. None of them are on autorun or parellel process... I don't understand though...


The other event is


Page 1:


Page two:

Condition: RockGone = ON

Switch: Bridge 1 = ON



I think it's because that the other switch keeps turning on. Maybe I should put a third page on the sign...



FUCK IT'S STILL NOT WORKING. I'll just give you the copy.





Just start playing. The rock in front of you is the switch and in Mysterious Desert 02 is the invisible door and bridge.

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Alright, are you trying to make the bridge appear one section at a time? As a whole when you check the sign, or as soon as the RocksGone switch is off? Cuz I'm confused by the tons of events you have here. A little clarification would be awesome. :)

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What's the name of the map with the rock? Cuz right now its got me in Mysterious Desert 03 and I see no rocks with an event.


EDIT: Alright, so using the Debug tool and knowing what switches needed to be on, I turned them on.

Freeze. Alright, so I checked all your events, etc.. to see if something with it was messed up.

Nothing, perfect. So its gotta be something with your common events or maybe even a script calling

that specific switch..


EDIT2: It was that switch itself. Dont use switch 76 for some reason.. try using the next available

and it should work out just fine.

Edited by totalsticks

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It's actually both Switch no. 76 and 77. The reason being both Common Event no.1 and 2 have the Transition command in it. You never transitioned, you just tinted the screen. Transitioning is for teleporting. So the game is just sitting there, waiting for transition and it never happens. That is why its "freezing".


Leon, if you need any eventing help. Feel free to ask me, as we are working on the same project.

Keeps things more on the inside ;)


Instead of prematurely releasing our copy.

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