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Final Fantasy XIII

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Am I the only one who just DOESNT like this game?

Everyone I talk to, loves it for some reason, but out of curiosity,

I bought the game and started what would be another adventure into

the world of Final Fantasy. How wrong I was. I started playing,

played about 8-10 hours into the game, and realized, I wasnt enjoying

it. I cant really describe it, but it felt like the game was hurriedly

done, with graphics at the forefront of importance.


I mean sure, I didnt get very far into the game, and didnt reach the

harder portions, so I cant really comment on the storyline too much.

The graphics were beautiful as well. Its just, I've felt this

disconnect with the Final Fantasy series since FFX came out.


Anyone else feelin this? I almost started a rant on the many reasons

I dont like the game, but ehh.. thats another time.


EDIT: Today is the day of many fails for me, it would seem. :(

I post, got a double post, and now, I see that there's another topic

that's already been done! I'm gonna go /wrist myself for the next

few hours until I am competent enough to type on a keyboard.

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HATE HATE HATE! This game should be called Final Fantasy No Freedom No Sidequests No Towns All Story XIII.


The only people who like it is the people who never played a true Final Fantasy before.

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Lol, I thought you hijacked my topic TotalSticks.


HATE HATE HATE! This game should be called Final Fantasy No Freedom No Sidequests No Towns All Story XIII.


The only people who like it is the people who never played a true Final Fantasy before.


Like people with an XBox?


And yeah, I hate this game. I can't bring myself to beat it. It's... So.... Boring.

That character development sucks as well, it's like.

Chapter 1-4(5?)

Lightning: Shut Up!

Hope: We can't do this! Damn Snowe!

Shaz: We can't do this!

Snowe: Lightning shut up!

Vanille: Hope we can't do this!


Chapter 6-8

Lightning: We can do this!

Hope: We can do this!

Shaz: We can do this!

Snowe: We can do this for Serah!

Vanille: We can do this!

Fang: We can do this!


Chapter 9:

Lightning: We're going to hell!

Hope: We're going to hell

Shaz: We're going to hell!

Snowe: We're going to hell!

Vanille: We're going to hell!

Fang: Quit calling it hell!


To me, this is all the characters talk about over the chapters, with very little character development.

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Yeah, I sorta did, didnt realize it until after I posted (double, might I add, srry).

But yeah, I have lost all feeling for the recent FF games.. they just dont interest

me or have that really epic adventure feel, yanno? I am almost tempted to play through

the game at least to get all the cutscenes, and then make a movie out of it. I'll give

that to people who want to buy it, and say, "Dont waste your money, here, take a copy

of the only good stuff in the game." And that's a stretch. :)

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Yeah I agree. It all happened when they decided to deem Final Fantasy Online as Final Fantasy 11. Then 12 sucked because of it's generic plot and the main character, Vaan, and his total lack of involvement in the plot. Srsly.

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I also feel that Square Enix already forgot the concept of Final Fantasy series before or maybe right now they focus on Final Fantasy XIV but I have to admit they Animation Effect especially FF XIII Versus, it really give a great stunning effect.


I miss those FF from PSX :)

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Hard to explain the game myself... It is nothing like the Final Fantasy games on the NES, SNES, and PlayStation. The game just doesn't deliver the gameplay I found enjoyable in the older FF games. The lack of interest in the game's plot, and the linear structure of the game itself didn't motivate myself through the game. Many of the elements that made FF an excellent series, were absent, thus the game feels streamlined and rushed through the industry, leaving you with much to desire. I don't hate this game but frankly this is probably THE Final Fantasy for ol' Knuckles. Moving on...

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