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Apocolyptica Specia Infected Contest

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As some of you know, my new game Apocolyptica has a random spawning Special Infected system. I currently have 10 Special Infected but was striving for more around 15. Anyway, in this contest, you guys will throw ideas at me and after 2-3 weeks there will be a Poll to see which ideas the people of RMXPU like best. I don't know how many will be added from the Poll, it all depends on how many ideas you guys have.



- You can enter as many times as you want

- Try to avoid things similar to already existing Infected in Apocolyptica

- GL/HF :D


The Reward

- Your infected will be in Apocolyptica and the custom-made characterset I make will be given to you for use whenever or wherever you need it.


The Sheet

Use this to fill out details on the infected.

Infected Name:


Strength: (Weak, Medium, Strong, Boss-like)

Speed: (Slow, Medium, Your Speed, Sprinting)

Description: (Describe how it looks)





Make an infected fox. It has green fur and sharp teeth. When they howl a group of infected animals will run wild in the area of the player.


Broken Messiah:

Infected Name: Rotz

Ability: Aging(When withen and certain range of player, player movements slow down gradually and HP drops ultamently leading to the player being reduced to bones and then dust.

Strength: (Strong)

Speed: (Medium)

Description: (Similar to a Grim Reaper)



Infected Golem. It has very big hands and moves slow. His hands give him a more powerful attack
Ghost Avira. You can't attack it and it's intangible. When it touches the player, the screen flashes and a scary picture pops up with a scary sound effect. Maybe lose a few HP or something.
Infected Thermal. Can only be seen when equipped with a pair of Thermal Goggles. If you want, I can create the Thermal Goggles just Like i created the NV Goggles.



Putrid Gelly

(something liquid, that can walk/pass thrw everything)

It has a dense interior, like octopus, so it can have a form, but liquid.

when it touched you, your part of the body gets rotten, and you need to use some medical item to stop it to grow up to your entire body.


To kill it you need to hit the dense interior. When killed, it throws liguid like 3 cells away, if you get hitd, counts as an hiting by the gelly.



Mortumas (Mixed the latin word Mortuus and Japanese word Tamashii meaning dead and soul respectively)




It disappears often throughout the fight, because it's soul is being dragged down to hell. Moments later it reappears nearby, usually behind you. Also, it is really hard to see for about 7 seconds after it reappears. (Lower the Opacity)




Really low (Yeah yeah, I know. There wasn't a Health option in your template. I added it. Its health is really low because it's hard to hit, and it hits back hard. Also because this infected is gradually being dragged down to hell by demons from below while you fight it.




In-between Strong and bosslike. (Only one of these should appear at a time, like a miniboss. You hear a noise and turn in it's direction, and the screen pans that way, then turn back and it's really close. Sometimes when you hear the sound, they don't come. Tricky, huh? The player will be thinking it's gunna pop out at any moment, but it never comes.)




(I know this will be a bit harder to program, but this would be an awesome infected if it had this AI.) It moves at your speed 70% of the time, but when it's about to attack, it sprints at you. Also, it's speed is raised during those seven seconds that it is hard to see after it reappears.




Half of Mortumas' body is like a standard zombie, the other half is a mixture of an emo styled person and a demonic being. The zombie side has it's flesh ripped apart, and the demonic side has it's hair covering that side's eye. Maybe some horns and a downward pointing pentagram or Seal of Lucifer inscribed on its body with lacerations.


Well, that's about it. Have fun and good luck, guys.

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Make an infected fox. It has green fur and sharp teeth. When they howl a group of infected animals will run wild in the area of the player.

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Infected Name: Rotz

Ability: Aging(When withen and certain range of player, player movements slow down gradually and HP drops ultamently leading to the player being reduced to bones and then dust.

Strength: (Strong)

Speed: (Medium)

Description: (Similar to a Grim Reaper)

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1) Infected Golem. It has very big hands and moves slow. His hands give him a more powerful attack.

2) Ghost Avira. You can't attack it and it's intangible. When it touches the player, the screen flashes and a scary picture pops up with a scary sound effect. Maybe lose a few HP or something.

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Putrid Gelly

(something liquid, that can walk/pass thrw everything)

It has a dense interior, like octopus, so it can have a form, but liquid.

when it touched you, your part of the body gets rotten, and you need to use some medical item to stop it to grow up to your entire body.


To kill it you need to hit the dense interior. When killed, it throws liguid like 3 cells away, if you get hitd, counts as an hiting by the gelly.


>that's what came to my mind nows ;p>




that has a badass shadow! it's just to give an idea of what i had in mind xD



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Just came up with one.


Infected Thermal. Can only be seen when equipped with a pair of Thermal Goggles. If you want, I can create the Thermal Goggles just Like i created the NV Goggles. :biggrin_002:

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Madanchi, I noticed you have one of the forest spirits from Princess Mononoke. I love that movie. ^~^


Infected Name:


Mortumas (Mixed the latin word Mortuus and Japanese word Tamashii meaning dead and soul respectively)




It disappears often throughout the fight, because it's soul is being dragged down to hell. Moments later it reappears nearby, usually behind you. Also, it is really hard to see for about 7 seconds after it reappears. (Lower the Opacity)




Really low (Yeah yeah, I know. There wasn't a Health option in your template. I added it. Its health is really low because it's hard to hit, and it hits back hard. Also because this infected is gradually being dragged down to hell by demons from below while you fight it.




In-between Strong and bosslike. (Only one of these should appear at a time, like a miniboss. You hear a noise and turn in it's direction, and the screen pans that way, then turn back and it's really close. Sometimes when you hear the sound, they don't come. Tricky, huh? The player will be thinking it's gunna pop out at any moment, but it never comes.)




(I know this will be a bit harder to program, but this would be an awesome infected if it had this AI.) It moves at your speed 70% of the time, but when it's about to attack, it sprints at you. Also, it's speed is raised during those seven seconds that it is hard to see after it reappears.




Half of Mortumas' body is like a standard zombie, the other half is a mixture of an emo styled person and a demonic being. The zombie side has it's flesh ripped apart, and the demonic side has it's hair covering that side's eye. Maybe some horns and a downward pointing pentagram or Seal of Lucifer inscribed on its body with lacerations.

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random place to post that XD i loved the little spirit things :biggrin_002: and of course the film

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