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[XP] Arkbennett's Deluxe Ice Sliding

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Hi guys. Well after 8 years of painstaking research and making my Chinese sweatshop children do my bidding. I've developed the most efficient Ice Sliding System out there! This will require a medium amount of knowledge in RMXP. If you are a novice, look through and try to piece things together for yourself, I suppose, and do your best to be a sponge and soak up what I am explaining.


All this event will require is:

1 Switch.

1 Variable.

A slight modification to the tileset.

Annnd a common event to make the magic happen.


If you open the project I provided, you will see that I have a starter event on the top left. This just turns on the common event. What this common event does is identify what number you associated with that tile; that is called a terrain tag, and stuff it into a variable. So let's go to the database and look in Tilesets, (I believe I chose "Snow Fields" for obvious reasons). You'll see I added another auto-tile that uses the same graphic as the ice, now select Terrain Tag and you'll see one of the ice graphics have a tag set to 1.


Now the second part of the common event you'll see it says,

If [0001:Terrain Tag] == 1

Move Event: [Player]



This conditional branch is telling you that if the player steps on a tile that is associated with the number 1, it will make your character imitate a sliding animation. Surely you see where we are going with this. (Be sure to check the box ignore if can't move, very important)


Now, on the map, make am ice pond with the tile that has a tag of 1 and boom! Your sliding all over the damn place! Okay, so what if we have an obstacle, then wtf do you do? Simple.


If you are a mapping god like Kiriashi, you'll know how to blend the two different, but same looking tiles together.



In my tutorial you'll see some events around the snow man. These events are basically telling your character sprite to stop moving if he's facing the snow man, but if he isn't, keep moving. I would like to make a note that you need to place an autotile with a tag of 0 underneath this event for it to work, or else you'll keep sliding into the obstacle.


It's been awhile since I've written a tutorial, I hope you people can understand this. If not, I am open to questions. Until then.


See ya next time!




Download Link:

Arkbennett's Ice Sliding Deluxe

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This is a great tutorial bro. I'm sure a lot of people could use this. Especially people making Pokemon games.

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Hehe... :shifty:



Nice tutorial!


I'll definitely make good use of it. Thanks for posting it. ^_^

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