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New forum structure draft

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For a while I have wanted to change the forum structure, so I've come up with a draft of what I'd like to change it to.


I tried to make if reflect the Membership rapid increase and inactivity topic. From that I tried to achieve more of Game Dev and RMVX forum. Though... I'm not sure if I did that too well. Anyway, here's the link:



I made that so it can be discussed. Do we like, dislike, changes, etc.


After this, I can finally start with an upgrade which change the forums a wee bit but nothing too major :)

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The only thing I would change is the order of the boards in the Game Development section:






Oh, and the name for the support boards for RMVX and RMXP should be "...General Support and RGSSX Support".


Saying technical support might make someone thing that they are only supposed to post stuff like installing etc.


There's my two cents.


P.S. Go read that BBCode tutorial topic I'm making. I have an error. :<

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It looks way more cleaner. I think we need an area like Other Resources(for other game makers), and Other Scripts so people don't get confused where to post them. EGM is coming out soon so maybe when it comes out we can have a section for it.

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Are you referring to Action Game Maker, or Indie Game Maker as its called out of Japan? It's been out for a while man. ^_^

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Are you referring to Action Game Maker, or Indie Game Maker as its called out of Japan? It's been out for a while man. ^_^

Express Game Maker.



I like it and might use it if i like the beta. It will be a good one to support here.

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Kinda surprised by the lack of response to this. I guess I'll assume things are good to go :rolleyes:



@Kiriashi: I know it might be painful for you, but we're moving towards RPG Maker VX. That's why it comes first. RPG Maker XP hasn't been the latest version for over 2 years.


It looks way more cleaner. I think we need an area like Other Resources(for other game makers), and Other Scripts so people don't get confused where to post them. EGM is coming out soon so maybe when it comes out we can have a section for it.

Sounds good, although doesn't EGM have it's own forum at the moment? If you look at a forum like yoyo games who sells Game Maker, does any other Game Maker forum come close to them? That's my only concern with that.


As for resources I was thinking they should go in one forum. These days, and if you read the description of the resource forum, its more the posters benefit. It's for criticism, feedback etc. You'll find that a lot of good resources get lost forever within topics that slowly make there way back into the pages of topics. So members are supposed to upload completed resources to the gallery. As for other engines, I was thinking of making the forum for all resources. Seleted forums (Projects and teams, RGSS Scripts) will have the tags be a requirememnt and show below the topic title (which was a feature recently), and it will look something like this: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/forum/175-official-tutorials/


Although I just started the upgraded skin yesterday, and the tags and other skin edits won't happen to the new skin (which should look the same but more complete) is uploaded to the forum and I have actual content to work with. I think I'll make a dark version too :)

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*Hope I'm allowed to post in here...*


I like the new structure, it looks cleaner. I would rename a few to give out a little more information, but I like it :)

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Well, mostly what Kiriashi said.


But maybe the "Resource Showcase & Critique" place should have an area to place threads to ask critique on. I only see "Resource requests". Maybe making a sub-forum in there where people can ask for critique, or maybe make the rules in there so they can ask in the same place...?

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Yeah I will make the name changes Kiriashi suggested.


As for the resource forum, the name for it is actually Resource Showcase & Critique and not really for finish resources necessarily. For the same reason I mentioned 2 posts ago in this topic. So really that is already the purpose of the forum. This is the description:

Show off your latest resources for all engines or get some feedback/critique on your works. Completed works should be uploaded to the Image Gallery.

Do you think that's enough?

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By "completed" does that mean showcases aren't allowed? You know, a thread showing your talents or asking for advice? Where would things like that go, in the Resource area? People will always wanna know, because there are some things that will lead them to think its the wrong place :)

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Marked means that they should be uploaded to the Gallery as well.

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I think video games should be in a different forum than movies and TV. It's odd to have them all in one forum.

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