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Script Requests

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Alright, so, I find it difficult on my eyes to scan thorugh thousands of forum topics on multiple sites, looking to find what I need, so I'm asking for your help. Dont go on a searching rampage, I only request that you go and find what you already know exists. I dont want to be wasting all of your time. Anyways, here is a list of the scripts that I am requesting:


  • Animated Title Screen
  • a Credits System
  • Splash Screen/Production Intro
  • An Advanced ABS (Similar to Blizz)
  • A Creative CMS


and, if you feel that you know of a script that is awesome, I will take using it into consideration.



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you give me a solid mock-up and description on the credit's system, and I'll tell you if i can do that one, to start.

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Animated title screen is kind of simple.

Use a title skip script and make it with events and you can also use it to make your Splash Screen.


If you want it that way i can give you the script.

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pol, Im talking about something possibly like implimenting flahs, or use a .gif as a title screen, I dont want something like youre explaining.

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lol. pol, those scripts aren't hard to create, either. jsut needs to be specific.

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Alright, so, for credits, I was thinking something like this:



but the credits would scroll up while music is playing. is this possible?


Also, is it possible to load an flash file, or a video, say avi in the beginning, for the title screen?

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teh avi file i know nothing of, but i have a credits script for you, that will work. i'll make it more personalized for ya. make it work great.

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Here is your script!


#  Credits Script, for Chief
#    by Leon_Westbrooke
#    v. 1.0
#  Instructions:
#    Place under all scripts, and above Main
#    Fill out the areas below, in the module.
#    Call using $scene = Scene_Credits.new

#  Module
module Credits
 #  Set Game Title settings
 Title_Font_Type = "Monotype Corsiva"
 Title_Font_Size = 30

 #  Set Game Subtitle settings
 Subtitle_Font_Type = "Monotype Corsiva"
 Subtitle_Font_Size = 26

 #  Set Game Credits settings
 Credits_Font_Type = "Monotype Corsiva"
 Credits_Font_Size = 22

 #  Set Background
 Background_Music = "034-Heaven01"
 Background_Image = ""

 #  Set Credits listings.
 #  Use keys:  "Title" for the title, "Subtitle" for the subtitle, and numbers,
 #             IN ORDER, starting at 0.
 Credits_Listing = {
   "Title" => "Game Title",
   "Subtitle" => "Game Subtitle",
   0 => "Lead Writer..................Mike",
   1 => "Lead Designer..................Mike",
   2 => "Lead Scripter..................Mike"
#  End Module

#  *  Window_Credits
class Window_Credits < Window_Base
 def initialize
   super(0, 480, 640, 480)
   @size = 0
   for i in 0...Credits::Credits_Listing.size
     @size += 1
     @size += 1
   self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, 32 * @size)
   self.opacity = 0
   self.height = @size * 32 + 32

 def refresh
   cr = Credits
   self.contents.font.size = cr::Title_Font_Size
   self.contents.font.name = cr::Title_Font_Type
   self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 608, 32, cr::Credits_Listing["Title"], 1)
   self.contents.font.size = cr::Subtitle_Font_Size
   self.contents.font.name = cr::Subtitle_Font_Type
   self.contents.draw_text(0, 48, 608, 32, cr::Credits_Listing["Subtitle"], 1)
   self.contents.font.size = cr::Credits_Font_Size
   self.contents.font.name = cr::Credits_Font_Type

   @credit_size = (cr::Credits_Listing.size - 2)
   for i in 0...@credit_size
     y = i * 32 + 96
     self.contents.draw_text(0, y, 608, 32, cr::Credits_Listing[i], 1)

# END Window_Credits

#  *  Scene_Credits
class Scene_Credits

 def main
   @credits_window = Window_Credits.new

   @background = Sprite.new
   audio = Credits::Background_Music
   Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + audio, 100, 80)
   @background.bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture(Credits::Background_Image)
   @wait = 0

   loop do
     @wait += 1
     if $scene != self

 def update
   if @credits_window.y >= (@credits_window.height * -1)
     if Input.trigger?(Input::A)
       print @credits_window.y
       print (@credits_window.height * -1)

     if @wait % 2 == 1
       @credits_window.y -= 1
   if Input.trigger?(Input::B) or Input.trigger?(Input::C)

 def close
   $scene = Scene_Map.new
# END Scene_Credits

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