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Express Game Maker Public Beta Testing Registration

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yes! they now allow UK to sign up :) but i signed up with american ddress, guess ill just wait n see

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Gintama, but he is not black... He's a Katsura Kotarou, transformed by dangerous form of influense. Called Ill Smith :biggrin_002: .

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word too dificult must press the red button but seriosly what the hell does it mean? google doesnt translate it D:

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warning.pngNo discussion about race diversity outside of the Debate and Mature Discussion section please.warning.png


Humouristical is not a word. Humorous would be the correct word to use... and that doesn't really make sense in the context either. :sweatdrop:


Also, please don't get so off topic.


Who might buy this if they like the beta?

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Yeah guys, stay on topic. This is not a chat room. Siverix, please don't make another post like that. It is not acceptable here.



I'm not too much into game making any more sadly due to time, so I probably won't buy it. Pretty keen to test it out though.

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@Eco: Have you ever tried googling Find Chuck Norris and use I'm feeling lucky?





Could someone tell me the use of a particle system.



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Slingshot pellets~


gun bullets~


bow arrows~




Or it could be for a multitude of other things.

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with the particles effects, you could have a boulder faling down off variouyse platforms for a side scroller or 2D based game or a wall exploding with bricks hitting things or maybe a waterfall, when player hits objects the object movs and hits things etc obviously I dont know the extent of it

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I have been messing with this and it appears that a Activation bug is present (already reported). Its nothing to bad, just annoying as it keeps asking me to reactivate it when I open it. Once I figure some things out I'll post some good old youtube videos.

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