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[RESOLVED][Script] Help with Vampyr Transforming
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As some of you may know, I use a SBABS system called Vampyr SBABS 1.2. I also found this really neat script that enables the character to transform into 4 different unique forms. So I was playing my game and I wondered "What if the player is transformed and performs a wallrun?" because the wallrun event changes the character's sprite and since the Transformation changes the player's sprite too, there comes a problem.
What I want to do is make the wallrun event detect whether the player is transformed or not. Agckuu_Coceg helped by suggesting that I use the switch which allows the player to transform, but that didn't help.
In the editor of the demo, open the zombie event to see the condition branch. The rest of the events are to demonstrate the transforming and wallrunnng. :P
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