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Inexplicable Jukebox Line Error


This script:

#############################   ##########  #     #  #   #  #######
# Juke Box Script           #        #      #     #  # #    #
# created by: Polraudio     #        #      #     #  ##     #####
# created on: June 16, 2006 #   #    #      #     #  # #    #
# version: 2.0              #   ######      #######  #   #  #######
# credits: Polraudio        #
#          modern algebra   #
# If you want to add your own Music just look through the script for comments  #
# I have instrusctions there                                                   #
#      Any questions, comments or bugs E-mail me at polraudio@Gmail.com        #
# THE SANTAX FOR NON SCRIPTERS                                                 #
# $scene=Scene_Juke.new
# ITEM SANTAX                                                                  #
# $game_party.item_number(@item.id) == 1                                       #
#                           1^     2^ 3^                                       #
# 1: replace "@item.id" with the item number                                   #
# 2: replace 1st "=" with ">" or "<" or leave it "==" to make it have to equal #
# >: if higher or equal to                                           that item #
# <: if lower or equal to                                                      #
# 3: how many of that item                                                     #
# PRINT SYNTAX                                                                 #
# print("text")                                                                #
#         1^                                                                   #
# 1: replace "text" with what ever text you want                               #
# MUSIC SYNTAX                                                                 #
# Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + "name", bgm.volume, bgm.pitch)                 #
#       1^              2^        3^       4^          5^                      #
# 1: replace with "se", "me", "bgs", "bgm" what ever one you want to play      #
# 2: what ever you put for "1^" put the same here but make it all CAPS         #
# 3: replace "name" with what ever your song name is(NOTE:Not case sensitive)  #
# 4: replace "bgm.volume" with a value from 0-100                              #
# 5: replace "bgm.pitch" with a value from 0-100                               #
# DRAW_TEXT SYNTAX                                                             #
# self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 128, 30, "Exit Juke Box")                      #
#                        1^ 2^  3^   4^        5^                              #
# 1: how far to the right the text is                                          #
# 2: how far down the text is                                                  #
# 3: how much the text is streched to the right                                #
# 4: how much the text is streched down                                        #
# 5: replace "Exit Juke Box" with what ever text you want                      #
class Window_Juke < Window_Selectable
 def initialize
   super(0, 64, 640, 414)   # super(0, 64, 480, 64)
   self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
   @item_max = 36
   @column_max = 3
   @row_max = 33
   @commands = ["","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",]
   self.index = 0
 def refresh
   @music = ["EXIT", "013-Theme02", "008-Boss04", "029-Town07"]
   @item_max = @music.size
   for i in 0...@item_max
 def draw_item(index)
   self.contents.draw_text(4 + 216*(index%3), 32*(index/3), 128, 30, @music[index])

class Scene_Juke
 def main
   #You can change the name of the songs here
   $command_window = Window_Juke.new
   $help_window = Window_Help.new
   $help_window.set_text("Play Music")
   loop do
     if $scene != self
   if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Juke)
def update
   if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
     $scene = Scene_Map.new
   if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
     case $command_window.index
     when 0
       $scene = Scene_Map.new
     when 1...3
        Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + @music[$command_window.index], 100, 50)


Gives this error:

Script '*Scene_Juke Box2(NEW)' line 109: NoMethodError occurred.

undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass


...when you select a song to play from the Jukebox menu. So therefore the line "Audio.bgm_play("Audio/BGM/" + @music[$command_window.index], 100, 100)" has a problem. I've pinpointed the problem to be with "@music[$command_window.index]". This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever as @music is clearly defined as an array up above, and the reference $command_window.index is clearly a readable variable as evidenced by the functioning lines about the whencase statements.

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Script '*Scene_Juke Box2(NEW)' line 109: NoMethodError occurred.


undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass


If you did not make it did you try asking the person who did?

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If you did not make it did you try asking the person who did?

Why should they be around to answer?


Anyways, the problem was that the two people working on the script before did not keep track of the fact that @music should have been $music instead. Which means they must have given up on their script, because it shouldn't have worked as-is. Well, I got it to work then.


Now the only problem that remains is finding out how RGSS can determine whether an audio file is a midi or an mp3.

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It gives contact info right at the top. Plus Polraudio is an active member right here on this site. Modern Algebra can be contacted at RMRK.

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It gives contact info right at the top. Plus Polraudio is an active member right here on this site. Modern Algebra can be contacted at RMRK.

Doesn't necessarily mean a reply's guaranteed! :rolleyes: Anyway, as mentioned above, the problem has been solved. Thanks anyways for your help! :)

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Doesn't necessarily mean a reply's guaranteed! :rolleyes: Anyway, as mentioned above, the problem has been solved. Thanks anyways for your help! :)



Take a look at the post above this one. Look who's here. :P

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