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Heyya, yet another question from me (mwahaha)

I have about 6 NPC's and i want them to walk to a door and then leave the room all at once without there being a pile up or them all walking one after the other. I tried doing it all in one event without having 'Wait for moves compleation' after the Move Route (they all took 1 step then disapeared.) I tried it with Wait for moves compleation and they all move one by one...

and i've tried giving them all individual events with the move routs and Wait for moves compleation.. and they still walk one by one

As ive been told... descripton skills = Crap. so if you want screenshots or whatever, just say XD

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4 answers to this question

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Set your first event to move toward the door in one step then wait for move complete

then after that move complete

have the first event and the second event move at the same time and so on and so forth




Door is 7 to the left of all events, I have 4 events


Event 1

move left


wait for move completion


Event 1

move left


Event 2

move left


wait for move completion


Event 1

move left


Event 2

move left


Event 3

move left


wait for move completion

Comment: Event 1 has moved 3 times event 2 has moved 2 times event 3 has moved 1 time


Event 1

move left

move left

move left

move left


Event 2

move left

move left

move left

move left

move left


Event 3

move left

move left

move left

move left

move left

move left


Event 4

move left

move left

move left

move left

move left

move left

move left


Wait for move completion

turn switch 5: Make event invisible

erase event


To make the events appear invisible add a second page to each with the event trigger of switch 5


This is an example, using this y9u should be able to do what you want

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You can do as you did originally where you use Wait... to wait however many frames you need.

Alternatively you can used Wait for movement snippet to wait for a single event's movement completion.



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