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RGSS Script Text Document Format

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Over the past few days I have been working the RGSS Script Archives on my offline test site (I'll announce it when its released). But I've come up a slight dilemma...


A lot of the single-script scripts contain downloadable RTF files which you can copy and paste from. Example: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php/rmxp/rgss1-scripts/item/custom-menu-systems/custom-skill-screen.html However when I first made the scripts archive I didn't have microsoft word installed, and when I download these it will open in that (unless I go out of my way, but these things need to be done with the assumption people cannot do computer stuff). Mircosoft word tries to make things all pretty and screws with the scripts.


So what format do you guys think is best (to minimize errors) ? Do you think that there should even be a file?, perhaps an online version (the script is displayed in the browser but not on the page, just the raw script), or perhaps an RMXP/RMVX demo containing the script, even though that is all the demo is.


I have tried having the script on the page and it always had trouble copying. This will be included in this version but not relied on.


What do you guys think?

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I agree with Pol, .txt is the best format for sending scripts as it preserves line formatting and doesn't change formatting from system to system.

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Ok, sorted :). I'm converting our current scripts to that format and then the new archives will be online.


I will also include (where possible) scripts on the page using a syntax highlighter, but within a spoiler type thing.


And of course, members will be able to add their own.

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