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Shalaren Metropolis

Blizz-ABS Hud request

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The one linked to has images you can edit, it even has information on how to change it. Make your images, and then make the folder and then do a really easy edit to the script, and pressto, it works.

Well, that's my impression from a first glance.


I'm not a script, but if you could link me to the Blizz-abs, I think I could look around in the script and see if I can figure it out for you. If I can, I'll make the HUD and give it back to you. ^,^

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Could you make post the manual here? I can't download right now (takes hours) and I don't have a Anti-virus installed. :sweatdrop:



Nevermind, I've been reading the thread, and a lot of people are saying you can't, with out it being the same, but different colors and such. I have found this and so far, I've been reading that you can change it, but it needs some changing.



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Oh, when I asked around some other forums, they said a large reconstruction was needed and a large add-on available...

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