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Alright so this is a RP called, Recruits. Basically you put your info down(Listed Below) and continue the story from whoever left off last. You are a new recruit of the RDF(Robotic Defense Force) and this is your first assignment.(Everybody who plays the RP will start on this assignment with me, we're all recruits.) Basically, about 20 years ago a scientist and his partner were working on the first ever cyborg. They had planned on using cyborgs for replacement humans. They would go to work and do their chores and even take care of the kids. The world was about to turn into a void of laziness. When they tested the first cyborg it went great but something ticked in the robot and it sent out a electronic wave throughout the whole world. Suddenly humans started to become crazy and attacking people. Police Force found out that they were indestructible....Until the RDF came along and invented several weapons to put these beasts to an end. No one knows what ACTUALLY happened. Above is just a simple theory that most people believe. Some people were quarantined and they were directly recruited to the RDF. Below is a list of weapons to pick from:


Primary Weapons:

Plasma Shotgun

Plasma Machine Gun

Plasma Rocket

Incendiary Machine Gun

Incendiary Shotgun


Secondary Weapons:

Plasma Pistol


Melee Weapons:


Misc.(This means if you spot an object on the ground you can pick it up and use it as a weapon, this replaces your original melee weapon though.)


Ok, so pick your weapons and put them in a chart like this:


Name: Insert your username or a different name

Special Ability: All RDF Members are given a special ability, teleportation, shape-shifting, or beam palms. ( A glove on your hand that can shoot out beams.)

Primary Weapon: Self-Explanatory

Secondary Weapon: Self-Explanatory

Melee Weapon: Self-Explanatory

Mech-Suit: You can choose between three different mech-suits and a color for your mech-suit. Choose between a Grunt(Large juggernaut type mech), a Speed( Fast Slim suit), or a Medi-Suit( A medium sized suit that can withstand heavy attacks). All Mech-Suits come with shoulder Machine Guns on them. You can also upgrade your mech.


Alright then. Now that we have that covered lets see the map of our first mission.




This is the West-Side of Arton. Refer to this as much as possible. I will be notified when we clear the area and we get to move on to the East-Side of Arton.Map will be updated from time to time. I know it is a very low-quality map. :P Here is my info:


Name: Eco

Special Ability: Beam Palms

Primary Weapon: Plasma Shotgun

Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol

Melee Weapon: Knife

Mech-Suit: Medi-Suit


Oh yeah how to upgrade your mech will be explained later.

PS: Please organize your posts with chapter names.


Here is where I start:

Chapter 1: Prepare to Drop


The wind ruffled my hair as I looked down below the helicopter. We were right above Arton. I could see swarms of cyborgs surrounding the mall and neighborhood ruins..The pilot came over the speaker,"Prepare to Drop!". I grabbed my pack and shotgun and waited. "3..." I stood up.

"2..." I stepped towards the door. "1!" The helicopter made a quick swoop down as I bounded into the air and landing right on top of the mall. I looked at my team...Then scanned the rooftop, I made my way over to the edge and looked down upon the hopeless cyborgs rushing in the mall. I turned back at the team. "Guys, be prepared...This is going to be a long day."


Someone continue! Have fun!

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Name: Kokiro

Special Ability: The ability to turn into gases and liquids.

Primary Weapon: Incendiary Machine Gun

Secondary Weapon: Plasma Pistol

Melee Weapon: Misc

Mech-Suit: Speed(Red and White)

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