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Pet Eventing System

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For this tutorial you will need:

1+X Common Events X=number of pets

X Items

X number of actors

2 switches



First Make the actors that are pets, make them how you want. Then make accessories with the same names. Go to your common events tab and name the first one unequip pet. Set it to parallel and make a switch, you need to know how to make Automatic Switches so make that switch an automatic switch. Make a conditional branch for each item equipted, make sure the checkbox IS checked. now ignore the top and go under where it says else and remove the pet actor from party. When you're done it should look like this.


Now make all the common events for your pets, as shown above. Set each to parallel and make a new switch. Make this an auto switch too. In each common event make a conditional branch, this time uncheck the box and set the condition to the accessory of the pet equipped. Then add the pet actor to party. When you are done it should look like these.



And there you have it!

Edit: Made images less blurry.

Edited by joman195

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Hey, thanks for this!


Its a really great tutorial, easy to understand and thank you for including images! :D

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O.o I really needed something like this. It's for a doppleganger power in my game.

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Nice tutorial! ^_^


I hope to see more.


A quick suggestion: PNG files are a bit higher quality than PNGs; if you were to use them instead the images wouldn't look so blurry.

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Does this only work for one character? Like in your Script I assume "Saiken" is the Main character, Would I have to make more than one version of this code for more than one character? Though I assume yes, Would I use a conditinal branch like if someone already has say "Red Wolf" equipped, then do NOT add party member? <though I suppose it wouldn't add a character 2x to a party though...>

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You could, but I feel it's more user friendly to have one character equip pets because it dosen't take a whole lot. And there is no scripting in this (except for a few auto switches but I personally don't think that counts.)

Edited by joman195

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My lingo is terrible! I meant Event,sorry about that. I was curious just so I have an open option of another Main Character having one. I might try to mess with the event <if you don't mind?> to include another Main character equipping one and removing a possibility of Duplicates, though I suppose controling Dupes isn't entirely neccesary. By all means I'm not saying you couldn't!

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Hmm.. Perhaps this could become a script. I have been inspired.


And Ms. Bunny, of course he doesn't mind. He posted the tutorial so other people could make the system. ^~^

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Always thought pet systems were gonna be deathly hard but seems i was mistaken :sweatdrop:

Thanks :alright:

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Yeah just thinking about it, do you really need the unequip common event?<


the way i see it you can do : Cond branch : Saiken is Fairy Equipped

Add Fairy to party


Remove Fairy from party.



All that in 1 single branch and event :/

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Necro or not this is useful and i need as most info about this thing possible, problem is i did exactly what you show up there (including automatic switches) yet it doesn't work.

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