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Shalaren Metropolis

Party hud

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Hey :3

I need a scripit the shows hud of the party members but not the leader's, and so it'll be something like this


I simply made it in photoshop,

I already have a speciall hud for the party leader, but I need just a hud addon.

so that if in the game I have more party members, it'll show their hp, name, and lvl.

Iput it like that cause the player is not going to control the other party members, they are just helping,

so there will be a hud of them showing their hp.


Hope anyone can do it! X:

if its nececary then Im using blizz abs,

but if there is a way to make a hud that is not related to the battle system, then this is what im requesting o:

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Try to get the same guy who made the HUD for you make the add-on. Since he made the main HUD, it should be easy for him to make the add-on.

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Try to get the same guy who made the HUD for you make the add-on. Since he made the main HUD, it should be easy for him to make the add-on.

what makes you think I didnt? , he's not my scripiter, he just did me this one favor.

he's to busy to make the add-on.

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I'm sure there is an addon in Blizzard's "Tons of Addons for Blizz ABS" for a party HUD. Just edit out the first one so the leader's bar isn't shown.

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its a blizz abs hud, its not a normal hud O:. I know it possible to add a hud that has nothing to do with the abs because

if I take the custom blizz abd hud I have and add one of the XAS huds, it's just works, cause the XAS hud is not customed with the abs.

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