FranklinX 37 Report post Posted September 1, 2010 Alright... Knock it off guys. RKO, I'm gonna be honest here. I don't like you. You don't notice it, but in your racial topics, or even when you're "joking" about race, you pull the race card. I find it extremely offensive when you post anything about the differences in race, even when its not about Caucasians. Your DBZ topic about "slavery" was utter rubbish. You feel that there is a connection between a cartoon and the history of Slavery? Its a damned cartoon. Man up, and find something else to talk about. You seem a bit hung up on race, and its pissing me off. Also, Leon did not call people shit. "Shit Starter" would be someone who starts shit, not someone that is shit. That being said, Leon, As much as I agree with you, I don't think this topic was a wise decision. To have handled this differently would have been a better option. Everyone else. I know I'm no Moderator here, but cut the crap. Its time for maturity. I don;t mean to start a Fascist movement, but I believe some freedoms need to be taken away here on the forums. Some things are left too far to interpretation, and the debate board is clearly a bad idea... Remember, I love you all, yes, even you RKO. Lets all make up and huggles? Why the fuck are you offended? I am not racist. I have not attacked any race. Talking about race offends you then you need to stay inside of your house. Oh and don't turn the TV on. My DBZ thread was not rubbish. You are too stupid to understand what was said. DBZ is not racist. However it contains a similar racial problem as we had in the real world. Animes, Games, Books, etc are sometimes based on the past such as the Independence War, Racism, Hitler, etc. I do not use the race care. You are a terrible lair. Racial topics do not mean race card. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rgangsta 43 Report post Posted September 1, 2010 >.< We were so close to ending this. Well I see Marked is browsing through. ...We're all banned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
formlesstree4 18 Report post Posted September 1, 2010 Why the fuck are you offended? I am not racist. I have not attacked any race. Talking about race offends you then you need to stay inside of your house. Oh and don't turn the TV on. My DBZ thread was not rubbish. You are too stupid to understand what was said. DBZ is not racist. However it contains a similar racial problem as we had in the real world. Animes, Games, Books, etc are sometimes based on the past such as the Independence War, Racism, Hitler, etc. Let's play the "Find the problems with this quote" game. I love doing this: 1) Talking about race offends you then you need to stay inside of your house. Talking like that can be considered flame bait/flaming, I'd watch out. 2) My DBZ thread was not rubbish. You are too stupid to understand what was said. DBZ is not racist. Insulting another member directly, probably ruled as flaming. Seriously man? Calling someone else on the forum to stupid to understand? No, I had respect for you but at this point I've all but lost it. Now, let's dissect Leon's original post to see if we can extract what he meant (since people seem to automatically think he 'called them out'). To the shit-starters on this forum(, and everyone knows who they are): Do you cause trouble on the forums? Have you been warned for bad behavior/flaming/flame-bait/insulting other members? If so, listen up. I am tired of you guys thinking you can come in and run this forum. This is rather annoying, and I am done putting up withit. I refuse to stand by and let this great site plummet because a few people can't follow the rules or think the rules should be to THEIR interpretation rather than, oh, say, the OWNERS! I would rather post this and keep my self respect in the matter. I am not going to name names here, because I am sure everyone here is smart enough to figure out to who I am refering... General summary: People should realize that the rules are interpreted by the owners, not the members. The site rules are subject to change at any given time, and a lapse in the documentation of the rules should be brought to the attention of the owners/moderators via private messaging so it can be corrected. The prime example that started this whole thing is double posting. Most forums I go to do not allow double posting since it junks up topics and unnecessarily brings up topics. Just because there are a plethora of other forums (as stated earlier) that allow this, that does not automatically say that you can do it here. Perhaps you can agree to a sense of unwritten laws that exist for most forums. First and foremost, I am sick of people bating for racist debates, racist remarks, and setting the 'race card' in motion. I don't give a rat's a$$ if you are black, white, asian or even purple; knock it off. This site isn't to discuss Lincoln, MLK, Malcolm X, or Ho Chi Minh. This is a site for people to get along. Not promote their own race as better than the others or say things aren't equal. My response to this is aimed at RKO who seemed to have taken offense to this. He was not calling you out, nor was he trying to insult you in any shape or fashion. He was saying that this is a site for game development, not racial discussions. The Mature Section does allow that, yes, and that's where it should probably be contained to. I'm all for having racial discussions. It unearths interesting intelligent discussions between several people that can bring a new level of understanding between everyone. Second, this talk on spam, as well as rules, since they are conjoined in the matter; if you don't like how the forum is ran, don't post it where everyone can see it. That start's shit. In fact, some of who posted there, as well as other areas, have pointed out that rule-breaking should be handled via PM. So, instead of PUBLICALLY HARASSING the staff, try the PM button. I find it slanderous that you would attack the staff and say they aren't doing their job in the open like that. It is dishonorable and void of character. I agree with this statement. Private Messaging exists for many reasons, one is to talk directly with staff members you feel aren't doing what you think they should be doing. You can ask questions publicly about general staff actions, but calling out individual staff members about it is not proper. That should be handled (as stated) via Private Messaging where the conflict can be resolved in a more peaceful manner without drawing in several other members of the forum. Lastly, There is a difference between debate and starting shit-talk and bating for a flame war or trying to antagonize a person or set of persons. Get off your high horses and quit thinking you are better than everyone else. EVERYONE is equal, there is nobody better than the other. Get over it, get over yourself, or leave. I'm done with this teenage drama BULLSHIT. Either work with the community and move on. In other words: Treat each other as equals, because thinking of yourself as higher than another is only asking for trouble. It's not right to put others down then start responding in a manner that could invoke a flame war. Precisely what in the hell is this feedback forum for? I've read your rules, and observed your staff carrying out judgment on 'disputes' that are NOT in contradiction, and posted FEEDBACK about it where it belongs. Your members have a lot of respect for this website and the staff. Try a little bit harder not to bust it by devaluing feedback and slap it back in their face, should you disagree. He disagreed more with your presentation of the feedback. The way you put it would've been better handled via PM with Kiriashi directly rather then publicly in the eyes of the entire forum. It's to late for that now as a series of events has unfolded into the nice mess we have now. That is what the debate forums are for. You are very hypocritical as you gave me a threat in one of the topics, and lied about me saying racist things against whites and blacks. You have the nerve to post such a topic acting as if you are so innocent. Since the thread you lied and threaten me I have since avoided you to not have conflicts, but you had to act so innocent. This is where it skewed off into a racial problem. Do not start about race in a topic that does not need it. The Mature Debates forum exists for a reason and expressing it here is not what you should be doing. Take it to PM's or in the Mature forum. Furthermore most people are not breaking the rules. Knuckles did make a good point in the topic to add things in the rules. I do not agree how he did as I believe if he did it in a better way things would had looked better. No one is acting like they run this site. We offer suggestions, NOT orders. I have made a lot of suggestions. A few Marked agreed with and a lot he disagreed with. You like a few others (and myself) can agree that the way Knuckles did his presentation was not the best, but that's life. It's been posted and we have to move on now. He did make points about keeping the rules cleaned and more updated, I'll give him that. The ordering part comes from when members start to interpret the rules differently then the staff would (that own the site), go on their own interpretation, get called on it, then get upset (I am not saying anyone here has done that) about it. Well your topic on the feedback could've been a little discreet. The way you introduced yourself seemed like you were attacking Kiriashi. What you could've done was post your feedback in a non-threatening manner then PM Kiriashi and have a private conversation with him about the matter If this had happened to begin with, none of this would've happened right now. Knuckles did NOT attack Kirishai personally. He criticized Kiriashi of his job. Criticism and personal attacks are two different things. It's all in the presentation though. The way it was presented could've looked like a personal attack, which started this whole mess off. The only problem is that people are upset at HOW Knuckles presented his problems and how he handled it. It should have been done in a better manner to make a quicker and good solution for everyone. Agreed. I also like to note this as flaming. We are NOT SHIT. The only person who has broken the rules are YOU for flaming AGAIN. I believe the phrase used was "shit-starters", which has been pointed out several times. The flaming rule has been shattered to pieces in this topic several times. No free speech allowed? What a shitty forum. Try insulting the U.S. Government to the President's face. You think you might get away with it without some form of consequence? Everyone who had issues with me always sent me PMs on this site or instant messages. You could have done that. A repeating message that should've been followed from the start appears again. You said "Shit-Starters. You clearly called us shit. Shit-starters, not shit people. If he had called you shit, then the beginning would've probably looked like: To the shit-heads on this forum... I ran out of time to finish going through the topic, but these are my opinions on what's been said. I seriously think we need a time out. Take a nap, eat a piece of candy maybe (it cheers me up at least), or go listen to some music that'll calm you down. Nothing is going to be completed if there's accusations being thrown everywhere in the public eye when they should be handled privately. I recommend this topic be closed and left alone to fall down and take the conversations to personal messages if still necessary. 4 Blackbound, Kiriashi, Chief and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites