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Retirement from the RM Community.

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This time I am truly going to retire. The RM Community is just garbage with ignorant people from RRR such as Kaz to racist like Pine at RMVX to the shitty members of HB Games and RPG Maker Net. I was not accepted at any RM Communites. I thought this was the place of acceptance. I never had problems for over a year until now. A terrible mod known as Leon accused me of being racist and a shit starter. He also threaten me in a post months ago. Iassacol gave me a warn after my problem with Leon. He refused to tell me what the warn was for. I asked me him many times because I did not get a PM about being warned. I just received a message that my warn expired. I was like what warning?


Now the coward Leon called me out, but refused to be man enough to admit it. OH boy. Who made this guy mod? Now a little crybaby known as CrimisonInferno said that I hate her people because I stated the facts and history of racism. It is so sad for an American to be so damn stupid, but most of them are anyways.


Leon insulted me, Knuckles, and the entire forum. He said most members are breaking rules when that is not true. Leon is a mistake made by God. He is as unholy as the New Orleans Saints who had to cheat to beat Favre!

I will be removing all of the resources I made myself. My work does not belong on this forum that has no respect for me. I will not be on a forum with two staff members giving me personal attacks.


For saying this "Leon is one of the worst mods in the RM community and is near the level of PINE(RMVX's shitty admin). Marked has threaten Leon could ban me for saying this and it would be justified. This is the last draw.


Don't say things like this, it takes away credibility of your post. Make sure you're posts have a point. Saying things like this give him a reason to ban you, and he'd be justified in doing so. Just express your points without the insults.


Marked you are a user. You have used me long enough. I thought we were friends, but I guess not. I have done so much for this forum in a year's time. You don't have a lot of members giving back. I am the guy who starts the topics. I am the guy who uploads the resources. I am the guy who makes certain forums here active. My resources are now gone. I advertised your damn forum for you because no one else was. Instead of trying to solve the problem you threaten to ban me. Yet refuses to get your mod Leon under control.


Not only do I feel used by Marked, but also by some members. No one ever thanks me for what I do. I did everything from the bottom of my heart. Not one thank you from staff for contributing to this site.



To my friends Pol, Tomo, and Kiriashi,. It was greating knowing you all. We will see each other again. Trust me.

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And leaving with him; half of this forum's drama. Can't say you'll be missed.


That's a low blow.

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Okay Rated, if that's how you feel about me, I can't change your mind.


I will still miss you, not matter what you think of me. You are and will always be my friend. I will miss you deeply. I hope you will come back, but I have a feeling you won't. I wish you a great life and hopefully, you will find a forum you feel at home at. And if I hadn't have said thank you to you for previous help you have given me, then I'm sorry, I never met to be like that. So before you leave or before you stop visiting the forum altogether, I hope you see this: "Thank you Rated for all the help you provided me over the course of your stay. You are and were (depending on our friendship status to you after this) my friend and will always be so to me. And if you ever need anything or want to talk with me, I will be glad to listen and talk.".


(I always thank people who help me. I treat everything with kindness and with a open mind. If I hadn't to you...I don't know what came over me. Again, I'm sorry if I had.)


Goodbye Rated. I will miss you.

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Honestly, Franklin if you feel like you should leave then do it by all means

I won't stop you

Just know, people are going to have their own opinions and stuff and sometimes you might be right

but the way you handle things will make you wrong


Cya Later :alright:

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