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Screen Border + Map Location simpler method ?


First Off, I'm sorry if this was covered somewhere else, I checked around the scripting area but didn't have much luck.

Anyway, I was dabbling around with the idea of a Screen Border plus Map Location. I was wondering if there is a simpler way than this:


BorderPNG connected to Switch #1.

MapLocPNG connected to switch #2.

MapLoc2PNG connected to Switch #3.


Upon start, Switch #1 = On.

Upon start, Switch #2 = On.


Both via Event autostart.


Upon change of map:

Switch #2 = off

Switch #3 = on


I looked in CE and I didn't find a conditionary equivalent to "when Location is x,y on Map x"



So i figure, <thanks to joman195 for the AutoSwitch Link!> I use Autoswitch for the border, for both turning on and off <if A player decides they hate my border idea.> the Border screen, but is there an easier way to do the location marker? I assume I don't HAVE to put after the teleport to change switches for it, though I would if it comes down to it.


Any idea or brainstorming appreciated.

Oh, if you need a pic of what I mean lemmie know.

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Because of my dyslexia...I didn't quite understand that. I'm sure others did, but....could you provide a egami? Ti could everyone try to help you. :yes:

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Don't mind my horrible spelling in the last post lol


Okay, so you would like a easier way (from what I could understand lol) to make the image border to appear and disappear when you enter towns/new areas, right?

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yeah, I think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill. If i use this in a real adventure, I might end up wasting alot of time turning off and on switches needlessly. Was wondering if there was a more general way to do it besides adding switch 2-50 off on every one, like a switch associated with a map maybe?

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Okay, I think I can help. I'll edit the post ;)


Okay, first, we're gonna need the image of the graphic you want to appear. I just created mine:



Now, import your graphic (You already did I suppose lol) to the Pictures folder. Save your project and make a new map (or put it on one you already have) and make a new parallel-process event. I place mine at the bottom right corner or top right corner. Once you have picked a place, we are going to create this in the same event you just created (the parallel process event)


Image of the parallel process:


(Make sure you have it like that!)


1: Fade in the map name image for 3 seconds

2: Show the map name image for 3 seconds

3: Fade out the map name image for 2 seconds

4: get rid of the map name image

5: stop the event


So, we have to use the "SHOW PICTURE" function and the "ERASE EVENT" function. Double click on the first line in the event and go to TAB 2. Under the "PICTURE" and "WEATHER", you should see "SHOW PICTURE". This is what we'll need, click it ;)




I'll explain everything in here, but I'm sure you already know what these are. If you don't, just say so and I'll edit this post with the explanation. :)


In this TAB, select your map name image in the "PICTURE GRAPHIC BOX" with the settings you used. If you didn't use any and need help, please say so.


Now save and test it. It works, right? You probably noticed that the image...is sorta permanent and instantly pops up to where ever you set it. You don't want that, do you? lol


We want it -- for now -- to fade in and then out when its done. To do this, we'll do a simple, quick and easy edit.


This is what we'll need to do: 1: Show the picture at 0 opacity

2: Move the picture, but using the same coordinates as you did when showing it, set this opacity at 255.

3: Wait for 3 seconds

4: Move the picture, but using the same coordinates like before, set its opacity to 0

5: Erase the image


Now, let's do as we just said! :> Now, using the "MOVE PICTURE" command, copy the settings used for the "Display Options" in the "SHOW PICTURE" command box. Change the opacity to 255 and wait for 2 seconds. {1 second = 60 frames} Make sure you have "Wait for Completion" checked!


(Image of "SHOW PICTURE" command)



Add a wait command after the "MOVE PICTURE" command. Make it was for 3 seconds {which should be about 180 frames or 160 lol}


Now we're gonna use the "MOVE PICTURE function again. Make it "FADE OUT" by copying the previous "MOVE PICTURE" function and set its opacity to 0.


Now, we need to erase them. Use the "Erase Picture" command and then erase the event by using "Erase Event". That way, the map name will always be shown whenever the player returners to the selected map.




There, save and test it. You can always mess around with the settings for whatever you need. ;>



Edited by CrimsonInferno

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I see what you did there and Yeah I think I may end up using it the way you have explained it, but I do hope you know I was using a permanent border right? the intention was for it to stay there while you are playing. Though thinking about it, it does seam like it would be a little annoying afterawhile... I think I'll delve around the scripting section again tomorrow for a location script.

But! You did a very good job, good sir! Don't want ya thinking I'm knocking your work. I appreciate you taking the time to help me.

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Oh, you wanted it to stay? lol


Okay then, you could always take away the Fading and Erasing events and it'll stay ^,^

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