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I think we all have seen a lot of them and most of them are about a soldier(duh *_*) usually an american runing around guns blazing shooting everywhere and hiting everyone(even though he doesn't even take any time to aim and shoots an old as hell AK (witch you would need to let cool for couple of hours after wards))but never get hit himself(if he does it barely scratches his skin. Also everything seems to explode even if it wouldn't if you would wrap a ton of tnt around it.


So am i the only one who thinks what just ridiculous? And since then most of the people here are from america i want to ask you do you buy what crap(as in believe in it) about being a patriot and all.

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Most ACTION WAR movies feature some guy holding a machine gun with one arm and shooting 60 ninjas by hip-firing and eventually killing some Evil leader with his brawny strong hands...


Band of Brothers, and the Pacific really feature a platoon working together to succeed an objective or one subordinate boy learns a lesson or two.


Basically, Stereotype against War Movies: Partially True...

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You guys have to watch the real war movie. Tropic Thunder! This movie will make you laugh your butt off. :haha:

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Good I do need Buttox Surgery... This'll cost me $10.99 and make me easily Lose by butt while painlessly laughing.



:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yes! I'm Appreciated!!!!

Edited by Cjboy

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