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Noob Saibot

Project Rules

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Here’s the minimum requirement for a project topic:


1. The game storyline / The game synopsis

2. The game’s main characters

3. The Script(s) and System(s) your game will be using

4. Full credits for anyone who was involved in your project or used content from

5. Some screenshots of your project (Not a necessity, but should be present)

6. The team making the game, if any


If you don't have enough time to post -all- the info, don't make a topic until you do.

Your topic should also be structured a certain way, so that it is easy to read and understand. Use different paragraphs to divide each point listed above.


I think RULE 5 is counter acting itself. You say it is not required (necessety), but should be present. You can't tell someone that they don't need to post it, but then say they should.... (o_O)

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I can see what you mean. Personally I would see it as Leon said. I have altered them, take a look.


I think the reason for this though is that not every project is far enough into development to have screenshots, so we cant really say their absolutely required. That would reduce the amount of project topics (from few to...really few) because its like saying if your game isn't pretty far into development, then just dont post a topic. Members who actually plan their games will lose out, when they may have the best project topics, just minus the screenies.

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I think screenshots should be required. Project topics aren't very good at all without them.

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I think so too. How will we know what we're downloading?

Maybe a video in place of screenshots would be cool.

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I agree, if you don't have enough of your project to post a screenshot, then why are you making a thread?

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