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PC monitor won't turn on

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Well, a few hours ago, my mom decided to paint my room. I had to move my computer from the corner. I made sure everything was turned off and then unplugged them. Now, I try to turn on my PC and the monitor won't turn on at all. At first, the orange light quickly blinked but now it doesn't even turn on anymore. I've event tried switching the power cords. The PC itself turns on and my mouse and keyboard light up as usual. So sad right now.

Well, I don't think I'll be able to be on anymore until I can find out what's wrong or get a new monitor. If anyone has any advice, please share with me because I've done a lot of Google searching and nothing has worked. Right now my PC is just on the floor open. I'm going to try to remove my RAM and re-install them and see if that works.


Bye for now. :'(

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:( Den will be on RMDB.


ARGH! Iwanna kill myself right now. What am I supposed to do with no PC?!

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...Sounds like a problem I had with my old monitor, nothing much I could do except get a new one. (I wanted a widescreen anyways, lol)

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I wish it was in my brain. I'm using my bro's laptop. I don't really like my PC anyways. All I care about is the hard drive.


It's really hard and annoying typing on this laptop. The "A" button is broken and half of it is missing. <_<

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Damn this sucks...Oh well atleast you got your bro's laptop. I hope the hard disk comes out fine if not...... :mellow:

And yea eco i will be there at RMDB most of the time

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it could be anythign thats doing it, firstly make sure its connected fully into your gpu and plugged in lol (i know, but this sort of thing has happened to everyone), make sure your gpu is in propperly (take out place in), the power cord is conencted to your gpu right? ig not yours might not have it if its an old gpu (just look if there's a small square with some round sockets in it), press some random buttons on your monitor :P


your mum's gonna fix it < _ < lollath, if u open your case please make sure to lose static (place both hands on case), is it dead? just use a multi meter to find out, plug monitors vga into your brothers laptop and see if that works


keep me updated ^^

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Eh, well with my monitor the connector (whatever you wanna call it) that connects the cord was damaged. Doing the almost exact same thing as yours, turns on stand-by just fine, but when the computer turns on it seems like its gonna work but then the light just blink and I get nothing. Tried cords and nothing worked, switched in some other monitor just to see if that would work and yay! Got a new one after that...so, yeah, could be that.

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I checked eveything to make it work. I ame to the conclusion that it is the monitor because my mouse and keyboard ligtht up while the screen doesn't. I disconnected the monitor from the pc and only left the plug attached to it and tried to turn it on. I heard a little buzzing hum just like a TV would do when you turn it on and the power button became blue but then 5 seconds later, the hum would stop and so would the light.

By my mom fixing it, I meant ahe's going to a repair shop. :P



My mom says if she can't find a repair shop, ahe might buy a whole new monitor. I so hope she doesn't find a shop. >.<

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Beg her to get you some VERY expensive widescreen glasses-less 3D enabled monitor. xD

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Beg her to get you some VERY expensive widescreen glasses-less 3D enabled monitor. xD


Glasses-less screen?1 NO WAY! Those exist?!

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Maybe its TV only...I dunno...all I can think about is the 3DS right now. xD

But yeah the glasses-less 3D screens exist, not sure if the TVs are out yet or not.

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I highly doubt its a problem with your computer. Taking the RAM out and putting it back in wont do a thing. its most likely a problem with your monitor.


Try other computers connected to it. If the screen works for them you know its a problem with your computer. If it dont work then your stuck with getting a new monitor.

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If it dont work then your stuck with getting a new monitor.

Sorry for this guys but...ONCE AGAIN POL! It's not "It don't", it's "It doesn't"! Please, watch your grammar or I will kill you.

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How many graphics cards do you have?

The graphics card could be lose or shot or if you have 2 it could be trying to use the wrong one.

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check the fuse before anything! I doubt its that anyway BUT thanks Pol! that reminded me, my friend had the exact problem a couple days ago. If you have 2 gpu's (1 main one obv, and then an onboard gpu) just take out the gpu card and slot it back in firmly with the the screw/clip secured so it isnt loose

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