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Needing help with XP

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So I need help with a few things, as I said to someone else I used to know RPG maker XP like it was the back of my hand in a bowel of cereal. So I need to remember these things I forgot so I hope people can help me =D

First offffff..


1. Okay I used to know this but seriously forgot over 2 years, how to do you make a bank for items and gold or just one for items and one for gold.

2. Not really sure HOW to make the caterpillar *I read something on it and got seriously confused @_@ because I'm not to bright when it comes to things like that..

3. After typing in a name that you want for a character...Like tan-chan or something, I want all other characters that you talk to say his/her name depending on w/e you name the character. *Like normal RPG games XD*


:clap: is the sky blue *Just kidding xD*


*Cough* anyways, if anyone could help me with these things =D I'd seriously love you! :biggrin_002:

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1. This is quite complicated. I'll make you a script.


2. Use a script for it: http://www.kobrasrealm.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1014

If you dunno how to use a script: Go into your script editor, create a new script above "main" (by right clicking and choosing insert) and paste the script into the slot you just made.


3. write \n[1] in a show text command, and it will show the name of the first actor. \n[2] for the second actor, and so on.

Edited by Valdred

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1. This is quite complicated. I'll make you a script.


2. Use a script for it: http://www.kobrasrealm.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=1014

If you dunno how to use a script: Go into your script editor, create a new script above "main" (by right clicking and choosing insert) and paste the script into the slot you just made.


3. write \n[1] in a show text command, and it will show the name of the first actor. \n[2] for the second actor, and so on.

Oh wow really? Your gonna make a script for me =D thank you

XD I love that Caterpillar script. xD Tried making one before..FAIL

=D now with the n\[1] how do you make it different colors?

Edited by TanukiChan

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for colors, try \c[x] where x is the number for the color just like for a charcter. I don't use XP much so I don't know how much colors there are but I know that it doesn't surpass 9.

Edited by rgangsta

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