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Camtasia issue

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ok this is a bit rare for me asking for comp help but I need help with Camtasia - for people who don't know it, it is a screen/game recording program similar to Fraps and CamStudio


When recording, there's no lag (a little in games which personally I find really strange as every other recorder drops the fps by quite a bit in gameplay) but there's a LOT of lag in the video recorded, mainly when the game starts. If i record my desktop theres only a tad bit of lag (when watching the vid, not when recording) but when it goes into gameplay the video lags (like I said, not when playing the game, just when watching video itself)


Camtasia renders it fine with me setting good quality settings, (I cant find any recording settings apart from resolutions), changing the video res from 1920x1080 to 1280x720 does increase the vid fps by 3... so if anyone can help, thanks

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CamStudio does the same thing to me. I was using it last night and when I switched to my VX project, the video would just capture a few frames and all I could hear is the sound.

Try checking the video options and the frames.

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Setting up the quality and the kind of graphics card you have, helps. If you GC is outdated, it will lag the video. :o

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