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The end of used games?

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This means I can't sell my used games! Game companies are finding ways to really crack down on those pirates. Sad part is that loyal customers suffer.

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I "skimmed" the article a little, and I really only have one word to say to that.

Before you open the spoiler below to figure out what that word is, however, I would like to note that young people (I can only assume those under 16, but I'm not sure) really shouldn't look at it.




Wait, I mean







Many people rely on the cheap prices of used games because we're unable to get the games we want if their new and, while I could go into an unnecessarily long details on how this is DonkeyPoop (you know what I really mean), I guess I really should read the article... Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait for when the good games have their prices forcibly lowered in order for the to sell better.

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In a nutshell, the EULA of EA's pc games, among a couple other companies, include a phrase saying you cannot sell your copy of the license, and the Supreme courts have ruled that the EULA will stand.




I pulled out my own copy of Red Dead. In the article, it says this:


"THIS SOFTWARE IS LICENSED, NOT SOLD," reads the license agreement on Red Dead Redemption.
(Capital letters in original.) "You agree not to: (a) Commercially exploit the software;
(b) Distribute, lease, sell, rent or otherwise transfer the software, or any copies of 
the software, without the express consent of the licensor." (Emphasis added.) 

What it negates, is this at the end of that line:

(b) Distribute, lease, sell, rent or otherwise transfer the software, or any copies of the software, without the express consent of the licensor.

or as set forth in this Agreement.


Because of that last clause, the next part of the EULA applies (reference):


However, you may transfer the entire Software and accompanying documentation on a 
permanent basis to another person as long as you retain no copies (including 
archival or backup copies) of the Software, accompanying documentation, or any 
portion or component of the Software accompanying documentation, and the recipient 
agrees to the terms of this Agreement. The Software is intended for private use only.


So, what this means is, if I sell my copy of RDR, by law, I cannot keep the Deadly Assassin outfit it came with (Gamestop reservation), I cannot keep the soundtrack, the map/poster, or any of that. I have to give it ALL up.



Now, although yes, this is in effect now; this doesn't stop companies from later saying you cannot sell it at all; or the courts ruling against hte process of used console games in the future.



On a side note: This coincides with the ROM debate. Any games that have that afore mentioned phrase, it is illegal to CREATE a rom or iso from it for public dispersal.

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Well I know for a fact that most if not ALL stores that buy pre-owned games do not accept any computer based game. I've never played an EA game as I hate sports games. It just goes to show that just because they have been in business doesn't mean they know how to run it!!!





You need to put your text in something other than the PHP tag as it spills it across the site. The coding must be wrong.



Edited by Kage Kazumi

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what just gives more of an excuse for americans to pirate. on the side note pirating is very low on my bad scale because in lithuania everyone pirates and i mean EVERYONE

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Well....this article gave me a good laugh. Didn't something like this happen back in the 80s? History is repeating itself left and right this century...

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This goes along with the idea companies are getting in their heads about having all entertainment (games, music, movies, etc) not be something that you purchase, but rather, something that you purchase the right to view/listen to. People won't own any of these forms of media, the companies will. What people would pay for is simply the right to enjoy them.


Personally I think the idea is absurd. This kind of thing is why piracy has become so much of a problem. The tighter the grip the companies keep around their products, the more people are going to rebel by pirating it.


They really should just stop caring about it so much.


People that are willing to buy your product will buy it. People that are not willing to buy your product will never buy it.

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Please do not necropost. 90% of these people are not active anymore.


Sorry, I don't normally check the dates on posts. I didn't realize how old this was. Though on several other forums I'm a member on, it's not uncommon to post in topics that are years old.


I'll pay more attention when I'm here.

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