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My Return to RPG Maker: Hero

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As some of you may know, I've had issues with RPG Maker, and haven't been able to continue some of my projects. I now have worked this problem out, and am starting a new project, because I can't work on those other ones just yet. The project:




Hero is a game where you play as Jermaine. A boy spawned by the gods out of rock and dirt to rid the country of evil. It may seem like a dull, ordinary, generic, cliche RPG. Even though it has some RPG cliches, this is a dungeon crawler game. The game basically consists of you spreading horror to demons among your hideout and interlinking dungeons. Throughout the game, your main goal is to get to the Demon Lord: Allistar. Where he is kept is somewhere among your in a canyon which leads into your hideout of interlinking tunnels. (Hint Hint: Short game, he's right ny you the whole time.)


Main Characters


The hero you play as. Made completely out of rock and dirt from the gods, he helps the his fellow citizens and kills the demons lurking the tunnels.



The demon lord. Quick, witty, powerful.



Allistar's bodyguard and hit-man. Strong and powerful.



Blizzard ABS

Dubealax CMS

Epic Storyline

Unique Leveling Up system that is used to access special dungeon/cave parts

Unique Artwork

Possibly more to come...


What I need...

Title screen

Possibly more to come...








None yet...

KEEP IN MIND: This is my first REAL demo releases to the public. Don't bbash me on how bad or cliche or generic it is. Thanks.


Any support and constructive criticism is allowed. Wish me luck. Looking for that Title Artist. Thanks!

The demo consists of the first Level 1 cave.


Mapping, but it may seem fine to you. I'm a snob.

I include no story, for this is a short and snappy game. I also wanted to meet my deadline. And, the main game includes the storyline. And it's listed above ^^^^^


In conclusion, I hope you enjoy this five minute demo, even though it's very unorganized(In my opinion.).


Attack: Z

Cast spell: X

Guard: C

Pause: Esc

Jump: Comma key


Have fun!

Edited by Ecowolfsteen

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Thanks, demo comes out tomorrow, so you can play then! I'm working on getting some scripts right now. Thanks! Be sure to post feedback on what you think tomorrow!

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I also am eager to see what you come up with. :3


Also, give some details on the background. I will see what I can do.

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Okay, I thought this looked a little dull. I have school now though, will update when I get home. Thanks Kiriashi, I was kind of dreading your reply, but it turned out good.. :D

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You suck there is no hope for you in RMXP or anything cool.













That what you were expecting? lol Post the demo already.

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Yeah, along the lines of that. Or you totally dissing me. :P.

The dang demo is coming!! I will update the post then as well. Hold your freakin' horses.:P

Crap. Just realized. I have no custom music for the demo. Oh well, Deal with RTP, :D

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Why didn't you remind me of it? Bah. lol


Downloading now.



EDIT 9:44 PM: There's TWO games? Whaa?? Also, this would be the perfect time to use formlesstree4's project thingy.

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I have no clue what the controls are... I pressed every damn key and didnt do a single attack. D:

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I could warn you for flaming. :P


The game is rather interesting, but insanely hard. o.0

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Yes, 'tis very, very hard. One of my many goals for that demo.

What do you think about the mapping? Is it good. I maxed it out a bit, for the demo in my opinion. 'Cause Kiriashi knows I suck... :P

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You should upload your game to the forums. This way you can get comments from members who don't normally post. You can see how many people downloaded your game. It would be more public instead of just being linked in this topic. :)

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