5 members have voted
1. Do you like:
Chupa Chups Is a part of a cell!1
Brush Brush!1
Imma firing mah laz0r2
Brush Brush!1
Happy Happy joy joy0
OMG!U kill3d k3nn3h u b4st0rd0
Oh my god!You killed kenny you bastard!1
R0fld cookies!0
Ello Politicanz0
Can Can0
Kiriashi is awesome9874270
Marked is awesome98742700
Everyone is awesome2
Buy the Project too and too - AAAAAAAAH!0
2. Do you hate:
Buy the Project too and too - AAAAAAAAH!1
Ello Politicanz2
OMG!U kill3d k3nn3h u b4st0rd2
Oh my god!You killed kenny you bastard!2
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